Feeling Disconnected?

You may wonder what feeling disconnected or discontent has to do with weight, nutrition or good health?  Or maybe it’s obvious – when you don’t feel a sense of belonging loneliness or depression can often become your best friend.  Especially for women – feeling connected is essential.  The hormone oxytocin– also called the “love hormone” – increases feelings of love and bonding. This hormone is associated with the ability to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships.

We all want meaningful, healthy and spiritual connections with others but how about having this connection with yourself?  Ignoring your body’s signals is a way of disconnecting.  Not paying attention and eating poorly will eventually take its toll on your body. Do you ignore the whispers of your body or your mind? You can only ignore them for so long and then they are no longer whispers but roaring sirens!

Today there’s an epidemic of symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, loss of libido, weight gain, unexplainable aches and pains, sleepless nights and on and on…. These imbalances signal a deep disconnection to not only your body but to yourself.

Do you sometimes feel disconnected from who you are?  Sure you play the roles you have pretty well – but what about you – that YOU deep within.  I have written in the past about Your Inner Size reflecting your Outer Size.  What’s going on inside will eventually show up on the outside – good or not so good.  You can only get away with eating doughnuts, candy bars and french fries for so long and then this behavior finally causes you to not only feel physically tapped out but spiritually as well. Or maybe it’s not even the bad food choices you are making but rather it’s the portion sizes or the times you eat, eating too often or not often enough, starting and stopping diets or exercise.  Losing then gaining then losing then gaining again – you know that one.    By ignoring emotional or physical signs and symptoms you may be just waiting for the Perfect Storm to hit.  Heeding the signs allows you to stop, recognize and begin the process of change. It starts a quest to begin to rediscover what you like about your life.

You must look at the whole picture when it comes to your overall health.  If something physical is going on you need to look deeper.  You need to commit to yourself whole heartedly and take steps to improve your life – Today!  Knowing what makes you tick and what makes you sick is part of getting yourself back. Once you get yourself back – guess what? You get to not only have the healthy, lean body you desire but also a rich connected life.

Nurturing your body takes time and you may need some help to get to where you want to go – to help traverse some of the challenges ahead.  Caring for your mind, heart, and soul require dedication and commitment.  Learning to listen to the whispers of your divine intuition requires patience.  Allow Love, Health and Pleasure to co-exist within you and around you.

When you have a physical symptom – you may want to ask yourself – “what’s the real reason I’m sick?”  “Is something out of balance in my life that I’m afraid to look at?”  It’s time to learn how to write a new prescription for yourself to allow yourself to heal to the core.  Ask yourself “what do I need to make myself healthy?”  And then listen.  The answers are deep within waiting to flow out.  You may need some help along your journey – but it’s a glorious journey.

“In finding yourself you find your place”  Victor Hugo

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