Women with a Message

Are you a woman or a man with a message?  Last week I attended an extraordinary conference called “Women, Wealth and Wisdom”.  I gleaned such rich and profound knowledge while I was there, most of which I continue to process, digest and integrate into my thinking and my vision.

I just can’t help thinking about all the poor victims Jodi Cobb spoke of regarding her award winning work for National Geographic on “Human Trafficking” It was hard to listen to and to see her photos – the stories were horrific.

I then started to think about how much time we spend watching sitcoms (which I think is good medicine at times because it gets us laughing and we surely need that) or many other things we  fritter our valuable time on.  All the while many women, children and men are suffering greatly in our world.  So let’s care…

We need to pray for more wholeness not only in our own lives but in the lives of those who are in need.  The planet needs healing and we can help.

I also couldn’t help thinking (I did a lot of that this week) about the speakers presentations as I gathered myself together for the following day where I would present my “own version of saving the world”  by improving others health, wellbeing and self esteem through my weight loss and wellness programs.  That is my gift – to be able to feel another’s personal pain and discomfort and guide them through a discovery process of their own where they become filled with a feeling of self empowerment every step of the way.  I see women and & men blossom and grow as we work together. By giving their bodies and minds the healthy nutrients they need – they become changed.

To give you a taste of what last week’s conference speakers shared – here’s a glimpse:

Marianne Williamson, Author, Speaker, Visionary, spoke with somewhat of a political toned “call to arms” encouraging women to link arms and support each other and heal the world together. Not just through charitable contribution but also by being open to having a profound mindset shift. She made it known that we are all mothers of this planet as well as being that also in our own families.  We are gifted beyond measure to heal ourselves and our world.

And we are NEEDED.

Jodi Cobb, Award Winning Photojournalist.  Her presentation was beyond what words could express.  Her photos spoke a thousand words.  If you want to see her latest work in which she gracefully and respectfully exposes the secret, mysterious and sacred world of one of the oldest traditions the life of the Geisha you can find her book at www.amazon.com

Elizabeth O’Connor, Economist and VP of Capital Strategy Research, shared how women need to know more about how money works and how economics affect us.  It could perhaps go over our heads however it’s essential to let go of any fear and get educated.  In fact the blog www.dailyworth, which discusses women’s financial matters, recently stated that even though women may be starting to earn more than men they are not keeping more than men. A suggeston: instead of eating out all the time perhaps cooking healthy meals at home would help save a bundle.

Kathy Magliato, MD., Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Director of Cardiac Services at St. John’s Medical Center and also an Author.   With Kathy’s brilliant humor she brought to light how heart disease has become the #1 silent killer for women – certainly nothing to laugh at.  We have assumed it’s mostly men who suffer heart attacks but that myth is disappearing quickly.

Heart attacks are 90% preventable and the best thing to do is get yourself checked out physically by having regular blood work and your blood pressure taken.

Here are some important numbers you need to pay attention to:

Cholesterol – should be less than 200

LDL (bad cholesterol) – less than 120

HDL (good cholesterol) – greater than 50

Triglycerides – between 100-50

Glucose – between 100 – 80

A1C (diabetes indicator) – between 5-6

Blood Pressure – 120/80

Possible Heart Attack Symptoms:  Fatigue, shortness of breath, stomachache, nausea, jaw pain.

If you or anyone near you is having these symptoms call 911 & DO NOT drive yourself to the Emergency ward.  Believe it or not according to Dr. Magliato many women do just that and it’s a bad idea.

So perhaps metaphorically our hearts are broken – have we been suppressing our true power, compassion (for yourself and others) and our gifts?  Let’s embrace our gifts and share them with others often and always.  All brilliant speakers had tremendous insights for us all.  Let’s join together and share our messages – shall we?

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