What’s Your Song?

We all have our song or group of songs that we like.  Ones that resonate with us and touch us emotionally. Or ones that remind us of certain times in our lives.  They can be sad, inspiring, joyful, or just fun.  Just this week I heard a song I hadn’t heard before by one of my favorite artists Amy Grant called Overnight sung with her daughter Sarah Chapman.

It talks of not giving up and having faith. A powerful message to be sure.  I’m sure the thoughts of giving up have crossed your mind many times in your life.  When accomplishing something worthwhile it is never a straight line to victory.  As is often mentioned it’s always about the journey not the destination. This song speaks if you get what you want too quickly, before you’re ready – it won’t be meaningful for you and you won’t appreciate it.

No matter what you’re going after in your life – better relationships, more rewarding work, a healthy and slimmer body, or fitting into your Skinny Jeans having faith is essential for all of them.  Knowing success is on its way even if it doesn’t look like it is really the natural path of making dreams come true.

“Overnight” by Amy Grant and Sarah Chapman.  Lyrics: “Don’t give up and Have Faith
Listen here: Overnight by Amy Grant:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gm1lVWXwEs

Another song that has also inspired me over the last year or so is “Home” by Philip Phillips.  Lyrics: “Settle down… and know you’re not alone”. What comforting lyrics those are, certainly inspiring words. This tune escorted the U.S. Women Gymnastics Team to Gold  in 2012.

So what’s your song?

  1. Love Song?  Sure there can be heartbreak, but not always.  Think of all the songs sung or performed at weddings or in romantic movies – they’re usually pretty uplifting.  So, too, can your love song be.  It can fill your life with loving and healthy thoughts.  Although not exactly a song – you might try a daily ritual of a “Rampage of Appreciation“.  Daily while driving to work or picking up the kids spend 10 minutes reciting (out loud and with feeling) all the things you are grateful for no matter how big or small they happen to be.  Use your imagination and search through your present life for evidence that life is good.  “I’m grateful traffic is moving well”, “I’m grateful I slept well”, “I’m grateful I chose to stay home this evening”.  Whatever you choose to be grateful for try this exercise everyday for 2 weeks – you’ll be surprised how your life will change.
  2. A Chorus?  It’s nice to have the common grounding of a group of like minded individuals.  Getting your goals accomplished is no easy task by yourself.  Having a team, a chorus a choir or voices that support is such a wonderful feeling.  Why not get a group together at work to and start a healthy eating program or a walking group.  You won’t be as tempted by unhealthy foods because there will be less of it around.  Sure you might not be able to get everyone enrolled but if there are 4 or more of  you – you have a good chance at being successful at shifting your body, mind and environment into a healthy and energetic one. 
  3. Duet?  You may not have a group who can support you in your life at this time for whatever reason.  That’s OK even having just one friend who believes in you can make all the difference in the world.  Your spouse, sister or friend can be the support system you are needing.  Especially when you are planning on changing eating habits, making a commitment to exercise or even getting to bed earlier.  There’s nothing like feeling supported and having a strong sense of camaraderie.  A buddy can encourage you to get to where you’re going – so you won’t give up.  Having someone to be accountable to will help you stay on track longer.  
  4. Ballad?  A rich and meaningful song can help you slow down and get clear about your next step.  Some ballads, of course, are sad but they don’t all have to be.  I want to make sure that whatever the feeling you derive from a song embrace the feeling rather than dismiss it.  Try not to avoid negative feelings – they provide valid messages for you as well.  Suppressing negative feelings by adopting addictive behaviors like overeating, becoming a shopaholic, excessive alcohol, or drug use can be debilitating.  Appreciating all our feelings is the beginning of changing any addictive behavior.
  5. Rock & Roll?  If you want to get moving crank up the rock and roll. It can activate you into action. Remember what Elvis did in the 50’s?  Well, he most definitely knew how to move his body.  Rock and Roll is great for nearly all types of exercise and can even make housecleaning more pleasurable, too.  You don’t have to be a good dancer you just need to get off the couch and get up and move no matter how foolish you may look.  Learn to laugh at yourself and Be the Rock Star you are.
  6. Hip Hop?  If you’re more inclined to a more “street” sound this will get you moving as well.  You can definitely be very casual and earthy when moving to Hip Hop.  Before I took my 1st Hip Hop Dance Class I have to tell you – I was somewhat of a ballet snob.  But that ended pretty quickly – I loved it – I put on my “gangsta” and had lots of fun! Even if you have thoughts of being more like Beyonce but aren’t comfortable with some of her clothing choices.  Ditch her Super Bowl attire for something more YOU and sing, dance & enjoy!

Choose whatever you like – make sure you add music and movement to your life.  There’s no better medicine!  No guarantees – but it just might prevent you from quitting or giving up.  Allow yourself to feel the music and let it elevate and uplift you.

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