The Real Scoop on Fat

Fat cells do more than just keep you fat, they are also building blocks for your hormones. Fat cells can also cause inflammation in your body, however healthy fats like fish oil, olive oil, avocados and nuts prevent inflammation in your body. Sound confusing? Well yes it can be, with so much information out there it’s hard to separate fact from fiction.

Unhealthy fats created from poor food and lifestyle choices can cause damage in your body.  This unhealthy fat often gets stored in your tissue and wrecks havoc preventing healthy digestion, creating hormonal imbalance and causing damage to your skin.  Unhealthy fat can cause high cholesterol levels and heart issues. No longer just a man’s issue – we are witnessing more and more heart concerns in menopausal women.  Fat can also store various toxins such as pesticides causing further damage to your system.

Your brain is also primarily composed of fat – so actually being called a “Fat Head” may be just the compliment you’re looking for.  Did you know the more healthy fat you have in your brain the smarter you are?

Here are 5 Tips for Eliminating Unhealthy Fats in Your Diet:

1) Hold the Fries – French Fries are a big problem unless you choose to bake them.  The chemical reaction of the starch in the potato, the oil and the high heat of frying actually cause the lowly French Fry to become plasticized.  Yes that’s right – think about these pieces of plastic roaming around in your body and then getting deposited in your fat tissue, unable to be digested properly.

2) Say No to Sodas – even though sodas aren’t fat per se.  The sugar in them, if not used for immediate energy, will be converted to fat and stored.  If what you are consuming is not being digested or used properly by your body – it gets stored. Your body becomes a virtual storehouse for nearly everything that it doesn’t utilize.  And what about the Diet Sodas – they are worse – full of sugar alternatives that are often toxic to the body.

3) Just Go Natural – The closer a food is to Mother Nature the better it is for you.  So stay away from processed foods altogether.  They are not giving you any of the nutrients you need and may in fact be robbing you of the good things you may already be eating.  Stick to quality proteins, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, unprocessed grains, nuts and seeds.

4) Watch the Fish Oil – there are so many fish oil supplements on the market, so make sure you are getting the best.  This is vital because if you purchase a low quality, inexpensive brand you may be actually ingesting a“damaged” versus healthy oil.  Many manufactures actually deodorize fish oil capsules so you can’t taste the possible rancidity.

5) Refinement Not Good for Your Food – Refinement might be good in other areas of your life but not when it comes to your plate.  Any refining takes much of the nutrient value – what you most need – out of the food leaving you with very little nourishment.  Even when a food is fortified – it’s still not as good as the whole, fresh natural food itself.  This is often the case with grain products – so choose the least processed of the bunch – whole grain is your best choice.  When it comes to your oils choose the highest grade – Extra Virgin Olive Oil is better than just plain Olive Oil.

Wishing you healthy, happy, nourishing fat days ahead!

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