5 Royal Tips for a Healthier YOU!

Here are 5 Royal Tips you can incorporate into your life today to keep you Healthy, Strong and Happy for many years to come!

Tip #1  Treat Yourself Royally.  What I mean by that is Treat Yourself Special.  Appreciate and respect your gifts, talents and skills.  Be proud of who you are.  Sure you aren’t perfect – nobody is.  We are all exquisitely unique and wonderful.  Take the time to praise and adore yourself  – yes, that’s right Adore!  Even if you make “mistakes” (no such thing really as mistakes) that’s actually great.  We learn so much about ourselves from our seeming “mistakes”  – we move forward and become better and better.

Tip #2  Eat Like a Queen or King.  Eat well, in moderation and with enjoyment.  The Royals always eat their 3 meals a day without being in a hurry.  Let’s learn from them.  We tend to, more often than not, feel as though we have NO time to relax and eat calmly savoring each flavorful bite. Time to relax while we enjoy our meals is essential for good digestion, helping us make better food choices and certainly eating less.

Tip #3  Sleep in Your Royal Chamber.  Keep your bedroom quiet, peaceful and “sleep friendly”.  Eliminate all TVs, computers, messes or clutter.  Your place of slumber should encourage dreaming not scheming or planning.  A peaceful environment will aid in your having a deep and nourishing rest all night long.

Tip #4  Take the Hounds for a Stroll.  Get out and move, move, move – in the fresh air.  If you have a dog great – if not find a friend and get your exercise in that way or you can always go it alone.  I just took an invigorating walk with my friend. As she pushed her little 4 month old in the stroller, we chatted away making the hour go by so quickly.  No matter what – Strolling, Dancing at the Royal Court or Fencing – it’s so very vital to move your body every day.

Tip #5  Let the Help handle things.  “The help” refers to your family, friends, co-workers or whoever – let them help you!  You are not an island, you are not imposing, you are not a weakling – we all need help.  The more help you allow into your life the less stress you will have.  On my recent trip to visit my family – it was so lovely we all helped each other.  It was easy, relaxing and enjoyable because not one person found themselves doing too much or too little and ending up feeling resentful, exhausted or guilty.  You do not need to do everything yourself – just ask for help. I can’t tell you how often I need to remind my clients of this strategy … we often forget don’t we?

To keep up with the Royal Pace you need to give yourself the best treatment – whether you are a Mother, a Queen, a Princess or a King or simply YOU.

Until next time – Feel Blessed!

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