Your NEW Story

In our last E-zine, I wrote about finding your voice – your gifts. Hope you have been doing some inventory and discovering how precious you are!

Losing one brother and almost losing another 3 years ago has made me realize that not only is life too short and that you should go for it – but also I realized who we meet along the way is who we actually become…

Let me explain.  Everyone you meet contributes to your very essence, your story, your life and who you are becoming.  You connect with some more than others – they matter to you and you matter to them in some way – if only for a brief moment or for decades.

If you have had a past that still haunts or people in your past that hurt you, it’s time to re-write a New Story.  As Paul Simon’s song Re-write suggestsI’m working on my rewrite, that’s right.  I’m gonna change the ending”.

Yes, that’s right you can re-write it any way you want.  As you begin to write – cherish the good and focus on what brings you or has brought you joy and peace.  What gives or has given you a new perspective – a new view on your life and yourself…? During this Holiday Weekend get out your pen and start to explore.

I just watched Oprah’s last show today (recorded). I was certainly touched and inspired by her words.  She spoke about having your destiny and that what you may be doing right now is YOUR platform. Who you meet along the way – who you influence – whether it’s 1 or 10 or 50 people – is just as significant as the millions she’s able to reach.  You have influence – you matter to them and they matter to you.

As you begin re-writing your story, here are 3 Questions to ask yourself:

#1  What was the best part of your childhood… what mattered?

#2  What were your favorite games and past-times…did they matter and how?

#3  Who did you hang out with…who mattered?

Have fun and have a wonderful Memorable Memorial Day Weekend!

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