Archive for Diet – Page 4

Scary Food on the Table

Recently I was perusing an on-line newsletter where they were talking about Weapons of Mass Destruction – but they weren’t arms, guns, etc – it was about food!  The food choices that we and our children are making unknowingly on a daily basis are very destructive.  It’s a crime that such food choices are even being offered in restaurants or grocery stores at all.  Eating these items on a regular basis translates into becoming a walking time bomb.  Yikes!

A few examples are:

Burger King Meat Beast Whopper (the name should tell it all):

910 calories
60 g fat (21 g saturated, 1.5 g trans)
1810 mg sodium

Denny’s Fried Cheese Melt with Wavy Fries and Marinara (just the thought set my heart on fire – and not in a good way…)

1,260 calories
63 g fat (21 g saturated, 1 g trans)
3,010 mg sodium

Cheesecake Factory Luau Salad (yes, dear readers even the “blessed” salad is not what it should be)

1390 calories
6 g saturated fat
1672 mg sodium 

Ok – here’s one more…

Claim Jumper Widow Maker Burger (again a very suitable name for what it delivers)

1492 calories
29 g saturated fat
2648 mg sodium

(courtesy of

Let’s stop this madness! 

Here are 6 Tips to help you make healthier choices:

1. Stop the Salt. The right amount of Sodium for a healthy adult should be no more than 2300 mg./day not per meal.  And for those with high blood pressure or diabetes the Sodium content per day should be no more than 1500 mg.  So obviously the 4 meals I cited earlier are much higher than they should be.

2. At home keep serving dishes off the table. Researchers have found that when people are served individual plates, as opposed to empty plates with a platter of food in the middle of the table, they tend eat up to 35 percent less!

3. Think before you drink. The average person drinks more than 400 calories a day–double what he or she used to–and alone gets about 10 teaspoons of added sugar every single day from soft drinks.  Many of these drinks contain more than a day’s worth of calories, sugar and fat! Swap out sweetened teas and sodas for water or tea.

4. Practice total recall. British scientists found that people who thought about their last meal before snacking ate 30 percent fewer calories that those who didn’t stop to think. The theory: Remembering what you had for lunch might remind you of how satiated you are and how gratifying the food was, which then makes you less likely to binge on your afternoon snack.  This is one of the reasons why keeping a food diary, especially when you want reduce your weight, is an excellent strategy.

5. Always eat protein at every meal.  When you are maintaining a healthy weight eating protein with every meal helps you feel more satisfied for a longer period of time. Protein is the best nutrient for jumpstarting your metabolism, squashing your appetite, and helping you eat less at subsequent meals.

6. Start the day right. If you eat eggs in the morning instead of a bagel, you will be consuming about 264 fewer calories the rest of the day, according to a Saint Louis University study. Again, protein is more filling and much more sustaining than a starchy carbohydrate would be.

The Real Scoop on Fat

Fat cells do more than just keep you fat, they are also building blocks for your hormones. Fat cells can also cause inflammation in your body, however healthy fats like fish oil, olive oil, avocados and nuts prevent inflammation in your body. Sound confusing? Well yes it can be, with so much information out there it’s hard to separate fact from fiction.

Unhealthy fats created from poor food and lifestyle choices can cause damage in your body.  This unhealthy fat often gets stored in your tissue and wrecks havoc preventing healthy digestion, creating hormonal imbalance and causing damage to your skin.  Unhealthy fat can cause high cholesterol levels and heart issues. No longer just a man’s issue – we are witnessing more and more heart concerns in menopausal women.  Fat can also store various toxins such as pesticides causing further damage to your system.

Your brain is also primarily composed of fat – so actually being called a “Fat Head” may be just the compliment you’re looking for.  Did you know the more healthy fat you have in your brain the smarter you are?

Here are 5 Tips for Eliminating Unhealthy Fats in Your Diet:

1) Hold the Fries – French Fries are a big problem unless you choose to bake them.  The chemical reaction of the starch in the potato, the oil and the high heat of frying actually cause the lowly French Fry to become plasticized.  Yes that’s right – think about these pieces of plastic roaming around in your body and then getting deposited in your fat tissue, unable to be digested properly.

2) Say No to Sodas – even though sodas aren’t fat per se.  The sugar in them, if not used for immediate energy, will be converted to fat and stored.  If what you are consuming is not being digested or used properly by your body – it gets stored. Your body becomes a virtual storehouse for nearly everything that it doesn’t utilize.  And what about the Diet Sodas – they are worse – full of sugar alternatives that are often toxic to the body.

3) Just Go Natural – The closer a food is to Mother Nature the better it is for you.  So stay away from processed foods altogether.  They are not giving you any of the nutrients you need and may in fact be robbing you of the good things you may already be eating.  Stick to quality proteins, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, unprocessed grains, nuts and seeds.

4) Watch the Fish Oil – there are so many fish oil supplements on the market, so make sure you are getting the best.  This is vital because if you purchase a low quality, inexpensive brand you may be actually ingesting a“damaged” versus healthy oil.  Many manufactures actually deodorize fish oil capsules so you can’t taste the possible rancidity.

5) Refinement Not Good for Your Food – Refinement might be good in other areas of your life but not when it comes to your plate.  Any refining takes much of the nutrient value – what you most need – out of the food leaving you with very little nourishment.  Even when a food is fortified – it’s still not as good as the whole, fresh natural food itself.  This is often the case with grain products – so choose the least processed of the bunch – whole grain is your best choice.  When it comes to your oils choose the highest grade – Extra Virgin Olive Oil is better than just plain Olive Oil.

Wishing you healthy, happy, nourishing fat days ahead!

Are You Afraid of Dieting?

You might be afraid of dieting – even the word scares most of us.  Why?  Because we feel we will fail.  You may not know this but 90% – 95% of Women’s Self Esteem is based on their body image.  Surprising?   Based on my nearly 20 years in practice I have seen, felt and heard the pain surrounding how we women feel about our bodies.  It can be heartbreaking and yet so real.  It affects everything in our lives.  We care too much or we don’t care enough.  I am not a big advocate for dieting, in general, because most diets are designed to fail and they do not take into account hormonal imbalance, improper sleep habits, stress and emotional eating patterns and physiological effects.  But most importantly they don’t take into account the crucial thing – one crucial thing – our thoughts.

Most of us want the Perfect Body.  So we decide to go on a diet and exercise. We essentially DO a Diet for a few weeks and then give up.  Do you want to know the Real Secret to Weight Loss?  You actually need to Become The Person who has a Perfect Body even before you have it otherwise your efforts will only be temporary…

You must change your thoughts in order to have what you want.  It’s really not the diet that counts, it’s who you have to be to follow the diet.  Millions look for the right diet and then focus on what they have to do rather than who they have to be.  Total new concept for most of us I know. A diet will not help you if you don’t change your thoughts.  That’s where the real work begins. It’s an inside job.

As I have been sharing with many of you lately “Your real work starts only after you lose your desired weight.”  Usually we can lose weight – the real miracle, however, is in keeping it off.  But even before the weight comes off you have to be ready to change on the inside.  When thinking of changing your eating, improving your health and deciding to “diet” you may want to ask some questions.

 6 Revealing Questions You can Ask Yourself before Embarking on a “Diet”:

1) Are you more committed to staying the same or to changing?  This is a tough one because you say you want to change – but do you really?  Are you willing to do what it takes – to stick to it no matter what?  Or will you be led astray the first time you are tempted with the chocolate cake or chips and salsa?  Sometimes it’s not the actual food but the addictive patterns that seem to develop after you take that first bite.

2) Does the pain of having more weight feel normal to you? I find sometimes we are very committed to our story – even though you say you don’t want to have the weight you presently have and feeling uncomfortable with the extra 10 + lbs.  After all what would you have to complain about or beat yourself up about?  I know this is perhaps harsh – these are the deeper questions you need to ask yourself. When you lose weight, as is often the case, you start seeing your life differently and the things that appeared “fine” may not be so fine and they require some changes to be made.  Yet when one thing changes, expect other parts of your life to change – and not too worry it could be for the better and hopefully it is for the better.

3) Are you ready to make a change in your life?  Change can be frightening.  We get so comfortable in our discomfort that we can’t imagine anything different and better.  We tolerate things when we needn’t tolerate them.  It’s a big decision to actually start eating healthy and not relying on whatever happens to be in the fridge, grocery store or drive-through. We go to dinner and feel we must have everything on our plate and oh we must have that divine bread in that heavenly basket which is calling our name.  Why would we want to give this up?  It’s entertainment, social and rewarding.  I can’t live without eating whatever I want you might say to yourself.  But what is the price?  When you stand in front of the mirror feeling hopeless when absolutely NOTHING fits you – are you ready to make a change then?

4) Are you letting distractions sabotage your efforts?  Everything else takes priority – after all who am I you might ask?  Tommy’s baseball game is more important than my silly diet – right?  This work project needs to get done – after all it’s my job and it’s more important than getting to the store and stocking my kitchen with healthy foods. Oh, I’m having guests over this week and they’ll want to go out to dinner every night – I’ll just eat what they eat and not make a fuss.  These are only a few examples of how sabotaging your efforts can de-rail you on an ongoing basis.  There will always be something that comes up – always.

5) Are you wanting to lose weight for you or for someone else?  Does someone in your life let you know they aren’t happy about your present body shape?  They may not come out and say it (although some blatantly do) but you may hear some subtle and even hurtful clues and comments.  The proverbial question (which never should be asked of a man – it’s just so unfair to ask them) “Do I look fat in this?”  Is this really your perception or the observer’s?  It is a no win set up question.  But if someone in your life is making you feel less than because you may have put on a few lbs, make sure that it’s something you want to do and not just people please.  That, again, is a no win situation. People pleasing will never get you what you want in life.

6) Are you unrealistic about your weight loss goals?  I sometimes have clients come in wanting to lose weight quickly or want to be at a healthy weight they were at when they were 19 and now they are 50.   If this is the case, you are just setting yourself up for disappointment.  Setting realistic and healthy goals is a must.  You should never be losing more than 1-3 lbs per week.  If you are it is mostly muscle mass which is very unhealthy.  Yes, certainly the first week you will lose more, and most of that is water weight, but after that stick to a slow and steady weight loss pace. And expect a plateau – that is a natural phenomenon and will easily be remedied by tweaking a few things either in your diet or in your exercise regimen.

7)  Are You 3 Feet From Gold?  This is really about quitting – quitting just before you arrive. Don’t quit – you may be just at the point when you are about to make progress, whether it’s a plateau or you’ve lost all the weight you wanted to.  Again, after the weight comes off the real work begins.  Make sure you have a good maintenance strategy in place.  This is the most vulnerable time after you’ve lost the weight.  You may think you are safe and invincible and start eating “the weight gaining foods” – lots of starches, sugars, etc.  Your portions sizes may start to increase.  Or you may start eating late at night.  These habits are so tricky – they seem to re-enter your life when you least expect them to. So prepare yourself and find a professional support system.

Most important – remember always Honor Your Body and Yourself and treat yourself like Gold.

Are You are 3 feet from your own Gold?  

Don’t Quit

Is Your Blood Sugar Out of Whack?

Do you ever wonder if you are headed for hypoglycemia, pre-diabetes or even diabetes?  Do you have a family history of blood sugar issues?  Aunt Mary, Cousin Sam or Mom have Diabetes?  Well even though heredity is not the only indicator that you may become Diabetic – it still represents a 50/50 chance.

I live with Diabetes everyday.  My husband was diagnosed with diabetes long before I met him.  Since his stroke nearly 2 years ago he has become insulin dependent.  I have seen first hand how it has ravaged his body.  It started with his eyesight where he had to undergo 3 separate eye surgeries to correct a debilitating diabetic phenomenon called diabetic retinopathy.  He was then put on statins, blood pressure medication and many other medications to combat the other.

It has been nearly 5 years since we first became aware that he had kidney disease.  He was actually born with only one kidney – not as rare an occurrence as expected.  Most of us will never need to have an ultra sound taken of our kidneys and will, therefore, never know how many kidneys we actually have.  So unless kidney function is impaired as is determined by pain, discomfort or abnormal blood work, only then would you find out how many kidneys you actually have. So taking care of them now if a very good idea.

I am sharing my husband’s and my situation with you today simply to let you know that yes – Diabetes can be a very damaging disease affecting nearly even organ system in your body.  There is, however, a silver lining. There are thankfully many things you can do today to prevent its development.

Here are YOUR 5 Keys to Preventing Diabetes:

Key #1  Get Your Bloodwork Done Regularly:  It’s important to have regular bloodwork done – at least every 6 months.  You need to have a fasting glucose, cholesterol, HDL, LDL (and their ratios), triglycerides, plus an A1C.  Your A1C will indicate how managed your blood sugar is over a longer period of time – about 3 months versus just the particular day your blood was drawn, as glucose would show.

Key # 2    Move:  Of course, you need some type of daily or at least 3x/week ritual of exercise.  Walking helps relieves stress which is the major culprit in any disease process.  Merely walking or riding a recumbent bike 30 minutes/day will help you manage and lower elevated blood sugar if you have it.  If neither of these two activities do it for you, find something that does – but you must do it in order to benefit.  Unless you are up and moving along while watching your favorite dance contest on TV or while surfing the internet – you won’t be able to count these activities as exercise.

Key #3  Take the Right Supplements:  Ask yourself, would you rather take effective supplements now, or inject yourself with insulin later?  It’s really that simple.  There are many extraordinary blood sugar balancing nutrients that will help you manage an imbalance today.  If you have a tendency towards hypoglycemia, know that that is a precursor to hyperglycemia, aka high blood sugar aka diabetes.  Including a good fish oil, chromium, alpha lipoic acid, blood sugar formulas which include cinnamon and gymnema will help tremendously.

Key #4  Make Your Diet Matter – a lot!  Blood sugar issues are primarily a lifestyle issue.  Therefore, by changing your lifestyle, specifically your food choices, you will  have a much better chance of preventing diabetes.  Choose whole foods – fresh fruits and vegetables, quality proteins, and good fats.  Stay away from high fructose corn syrup, agave, and all sweeteners.  Know that fructose or fruit sugar found in real fruits is very different from fructose found in packaged, processed foods.  Real fruit also contains pectins and fiber which are essential in the proper breakdown and ultilization of the sugar found in fruit. To be clear Agave, which falsely masquerades as a health food, is potentially harmful to your liver – not a good thing at all!

Key #5  Don’t Ignore Your Symptoms:  If you suffer from signs of hypoglycemia – shakiness, headaches, or brain fogginess – always carry healthy snacks with you. The goal is to eventually eliminate these types of symptoms all together. Again, hypoglycemia can turn into hyperglycemia or diabetes.  Pay attention – your body is talking to you.  So many have ignored symptoms, whether pre-diabetic or any other, only to end up much worse off than when the symptoms first appeared.  If you do not feel right you must take steps to begin a process towards improved health – the sooner the better.

The Weight & Digestion Connection


My mother always says “You appreciate health when you don’t have it!”

And not having a healthy digestion can impact everything.  In Ayurvedic Medicine – the 5000 year old medicine of India, they place great emphasis on the role of digestion.  Not only digesting what you eat but also digesting your thoughts and experiences in a healthy way.  Processing everything you experience beneficially– so you are not overcome with, at the very least, indigestion.

If you do not break down your foods you will be more vulnerable to weight gain, infection, mental fog and down the road – many various diseases if left unchecked.

With my weight loss programs we are ensuring that proper digestion is attained.  By taking out foods that may be indigestible to you such as some of the biggies – distressing foods like dairy, wheat and soy.  Of course, not everyone has a problem with these foods but many do.  Gluten sensitivity caused by not only wheat intolerance but also other gluten grains like oats, rye, and oatmeal is sometimes difficult to recognize unless you take them out of your diet for a short period and then re-introduce them.  Congestion is often a sign of a dairy sensitivity and possibly an allergy.  Great examples of this occurrence would be sinus issues, scratchy throat, headaches.  These are typical of sensitivities but how about some of the other more common digestive problems such as GERD, indigestion, bowel issues, gas & bloating – these stress your body leaving you depleted and unwell.

My 5 Simple Tips to Get Your Digestion in Shape!

#1  Eat Slowly.  You will eat less and digest better.  You will allow for time to warn your digestive system that you’re sending food down.  Contrary to popular belief your digestion actually starts in your brain – you start thinking about food and Voila – suddenly you start salivating preparing your body for chewing and digestion.  If you eat fast you will gain weight of course, but also set yourself up for indigestion, heartburn, belching and other unhealthy symptoms.

#2 Take Probiotics Daily. This is a must and Yakult will not do it – neither will yogurt.  They may taste good but they actually have very little active probiotic ingredients in them.  Pro-biotic means pro-life as opposed to anti-biotics which kill everything in its path.  You want to ensure good digestion by giving your body good bugs to fight off the enemy – like infection.  It also helps with staving off sugar cravings – when your stomach has sufficient good bacteria and enzymes, not only will you break down your food better, but you’ll feel more satisfied and eat less and make better choices.

#3  Watch Food Combining. There has been some discussion for the last 20 years or so about mixing foods and which can cause digestive upset.  To let you know -it takes protein about 3-4 hours to digest, complex carbohydrates (like grains and beans) about 2 hours and fruit about ½ hour.  When you mix complex carbohydrates with protein they break down at different times often causing problems with lower bowel gas and discomfort.  You want to primarily pair protein with vegetables and complex carbohydrates with other higher water content vegetables like broccoli, lettuce, eggplant for example. This is a good suggestion when losing weight as protein and high water content vegetables are the best combination for initial weight loss.

#4   Wait Before Exercising Even though exercise is a good thing to do, especially if you want to lose weight, when you exercise immediately after eating all the energy in your body goes directly to your muscle system and not to your digestive system.  So the meal you just ate will simply be just waiting around to be digested after you finish your exercise.  This could take up to an hour or more.  Do you want food just sitting there – fermenting in your tummy?  No – you want it to go through the digestive process as efficiently as possible. When you rest after eating you’ll be giving your body a chance to make use of all the nutrients you just consumed.

#5  Biggest Meal At Lunch.  In Ayurveda they say “eat your biggest meal when the sun or “Digestive Juices” are at their height” which is usually midday. Most of the world eats this way – but not here in North America and, as I recall, the UK doesn’t uphold this tradition either.  This is THE best time for the hardiest meal. This doesn’t mean a 16 oz steak and potatoes – but you can have a great salad with protein or piece of salmon with mixed steamed veggies. This gives your body time to break down food slowly throughout the afternoon.  It may cause some sleepiness – witness “Siesta” time in many of our southern climates, a lesson perhaps we should learn to adopt. Start your day off light and end your day light, too with adequate protein and carbohydrates –  critical for overall health, weight loss and maintenance.  Happy Munching and Crunching!

Are You Ready to Rebuild Your Body?

Some question I’ve posed this week – right?  Well ever wonder if that could be possible – have a whole new body rather than the one you were born?  The one that you haven’t treated as well as you should or could have?  I’m sure the latter response is a much more possible reason.  But not to worry all is not lost – yet!

You can have the body you want by doing a few strategic things. Here are the tools to Re-Building Your Body:

#1 Believe You Can – I started this newsletter talking about my Vision Board.  If you don’t have a Vision you will not be successful.  You need to believe it’s possible before you ever start out on your journey of re-building and creating the body you desire.  If posting photos of ideal bodies around you works – then do it.  Or perhaps you may want to write about how you will feel, look and dress once you have the body you want. If you connect these various images and thoughts to an emotion, there’s a greater chance that you’ll reach your vision.  Sometimes it may be a matter of just accepting yourself just as you are before you leap to a new you.  Take some time to think about this visioning process – imagine and then take action.

#2 Exercise – I started dancing again and I love it!  I urge you to find something you like to do.  You cannot have optimal health or re-build your body if you don’t move period – it’s that simple. Sitting on the couch watching others exercise or play a sport is just not enough (you knew I’d say that right?).  Why not have some weights near the TV ready for you when you are watching your favorite sit-com.  Or how about investing in a stationary bike – a great way to get some exercise while being entertained at the same time. Time will go by so fast and before you know it you’ve put in 30-60 minutes.

#3 Well Chosen Foods – Portion control, balanced nutrient intake, regularity (both consuming and eliminating) all play a dramatic role in re-building your body. The three major nutrients are  Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats – you need them all.  And you need Vitamins and Minerals found in whole, real foods as well.  There is often some confusion when it comes to carbohydrates, they do not only consist of the starches which you may commonly associate with the word – like bread, pasta, french fries or doughnuts.  Of course these are the ones you want to minimize and possibly completely eliminate from your diet altogether.  There are 5 categories of carbohydrates: vegetables, fruits, nuts & seed, grains, and beans.  Choose mostly from the first two groups – vegetables and fruits.  They will give you the most bang for your buck. Choose carefully, wisely and healthfully.

#4 Get a Coach – you will not keep yourself accountable, unfortunately, all by yourself.  The most optimistic and brave goal setting is wrought with failure to perform and accomplish without the support of a qualified mentor.  How many times have you planned to get started, but you simply didn’t, and then ended up beating yourself up for not doing what you had your heart set on.  There are kinder, gentler and more productive ways of getting the goal or dream accomplished.  Open up to some expert guidance – you are worth it – aren’t you?  If you don’t feel you are, you will definitely benefit from this re-building tip.

# 5  Find a Friend – can be a furry one, too.  Our adorable furry four legged and feathered friends provide so much opportunity to put stress on hold and maybe eliminate it forever.  Rover helps reduce the negative effect of the stress hormone’s cortisol on our body and mind.  You end up feeling utterly relaxed, calm – pumping up the  Joy Factor something everyone can use a little more of – right?  So walk your dog, pet your cat, give your horse a carrot. It’s all good!

Time to Outsmart Your Genes?

Do you think you can have an impact on your genetic make-up?  I’m here to tell you that you can.  How your genes “express” or work is really up to you.  What you do and don’t do can have a direct link to how healthy genes operate in your body.  It’s kind of great to think you have that much control – right?  Or maybe not – it is a lot of responsibility for you and making the right lifestyle decisions do count.

I’ve written about Genetic Eating in several of my past newsletters.  It’s a way of eating that can directly impact your genes in a positive way.  How your body uses what you eat is what it’s all about.  If you are giving it junk, you end up with bad wiring and your body, or your mind for that matter, simply doesn’t work very well.  Recent scientific discoveries in genetic research show we have a lot more control over our genes than we think.  Can you outsmart them – no – and you probably don’t want to – but you can work in harmony with them as your partner in Healthy Living.

Here ‘s a brief science lesson – if you eat a high-carbohydrate meal, your insulin spikes and your blood sugar plummets, making you very hungry. This is the reason you crave more carbohydrates (including sugar) and tend to eat more all day long. If you eat a low glycemic load diet like the one used in the “Skinny Jeans Weight Loss Program” it will balance your blood sugar levels and keeps insulin levels in a healthy range. It also increases your good or HDL cholesterol and lowers your triglycerides levels in your blood as well – a very good thing. This type of “genetic eating” actually turns on the good genetic blueprint for healthy cholesterol and blood sugar balance.

So you can change your genes and subsequently “fit into your jeans”.  Diet is such a powerful change agent in this regard, more than you ever thought possible. Change your biochemistry and your genes will change as well.

But what you eat, how, when and where you eat is not the only thing that affects your genes.  Your thoughts, exercise, sleep and all your healthy lifestyle choices matter.

Here are 6 Keys You can do Today to Improve Your Genes:

Key #1  Go to Bed!  Didn’t you hate those words when you were growing up – I certainly did. Being the youngest in a family of 10 (7 siblings and 2 parents) – I always wanted to stay up late with my older siblings.  But now I know the wisdom of my parent’s words.  Sleep is essential for getting your healthy genes working well.  Sleep is an opportunity to not only rest but let your organs do there powerful work during night hours.  Even my cat Mitzi knows when to quit and call it a day, afternoon or evening…


Key #2  Taste for Life.  Mindset absolutely matters in having a healthy genetic blueprint.  If you are negative all the time your biochemistry is affected in a damaging way.  Brain Studies show how negative thoughts can automatically cause depression, anxiety and affect breathing and other vital functions in the body.  Sometimes the depression comes first, of course, but lifestyle changes along with effective therapy can be most beneficial at not only improving this condition but also eliminating it.

Key#3  Spice It Up:  Eating healthy can sometimes be challenging – you are so used to having excitement in your life and often in our culture that includes your food, too. So why not spice it up using healing and flavorful herbs and spices?  Cinnamon has a profound benefit for blood sugar balance. Tumeric and Ginger aid in reducing inflammation in the body.  Cardamom and Basil have a calming effect on the body and mind.  Thyme contains anti-septic qualities.  Cayenne is known to aid in high blood pressure and heart health.  So many herbs and spices have incredible healing properties so use them and enjoy them.  And just remember your food’s main purpose is to nourish and fuel you not to entertain you.

Key#4  Add the missing ingredients:  Sometimes you need to add extra targeted nutrients to your health plan.  You may have a slight blood sugar issue – add chromium or cinnamon as I mentioned in key #3.  When suffering from tension headaches add additional Vitamin C to your supplement protocol it will help de-constrict your blood vessels and ease the tension.  We are seeing more and more of a need for additional Vitamin D – a vitamin so important for bone, immune and heart health. I also recommend certain anti-aging formulas which target certain genes and can in fact reverse some of the aging processes in the body.

Key#5  From the Garden of Life:  The more vitality a food has – meaning its coming to you almost directly from the garden – the more positive gene enhancing it will cause.  Eating fresh, whole and organic will essentially “turn up” your Vitality Gene.   Choosing food that is full of active and alive nutrients will give your body what it needs and in a form it knows what to do with.

Key#6  Stay Inspired:  Having hope and a positive outlook improves many functions in the body.  Science shows that brain waves are altered, heart beat is slowed down, nerve impulses lessen and “happy hormones” seem to kick in. You know those happy hormones or brain chemicals may have a calming effect by increasing your Seratonin or Gaba or an exciting effect with Dopamine being stimulated.  Either way there is a direct link to your mood and your chemistry and how your genes function in your body.

Remember, genetically speaking, you have an immense power to choose to be happy or sad, energetic or lethargic.  Lean or not you get to choose to make changes in your genetic blueprint if you want.

Are You Playing Your Own Hunger Games?

No, I’m not talking about the popular movie out right now although the title of this article was inspired by the movie of the same name.  But that’s as far as the similarity goes.

This wellness writing has more to do with how you can seriously fool yourself into thinking even though you have health challenges with symptoms like headaches, digestive upset, sleepless nights, or weight gain you believe nothing is wrong.  That you don’t have a problem – that all is well, but really it isn’t, but you are choosing to either ignore it or are perhaps too afraid to make changes.

Here are the 5 Common Ways You May be Playing Games with Your Eating Habits and 5 Easy Solutions:

Common Way#1  Costs more to Eat Healthy: It actually doesn’t.  Eating a diet filled with primarily quality protein, fresh fruits and vegetables is less expensive than eating packaged foods or dashing through the fast food line. Also, because these foods tend to be lacking in any real nutrition you often feel more hungry and tend to eat more of it.  Solution: Shop at farmer’s markets, ethnic grocery stores (tend to be less expensive) or, even better yet, grow your own.

Common Way#2  I’ll take care of this later: Guess what – later never comes.  A year from now – 5 years from now everything remains the same. All your hopes for a healthy life, body and/or mind are gone.  You get comfortable in your discomfort about your body with all its lumps and bumps, aches and pains – this is now your normal. You give up and may even catch yourself saying “hey I can try starting again on Monday”.  But unfortunately your plans for Monday end up being a fantasy as well.  Solution:  Just do it.  I know, easier said than done.  But you need to start.  You don’t need to be perfect, it only takes just one small step towards your healthier future. Don’t allow yourself to put it off any longer.

Common Way#3  I need Starch in Every Meal: A perfectly balanced meal does not have to have a potato, rice or beans included. These starchy food items may “fill you up” but that doesn’t necessarily mean you are nourished.  You may have a hard time utilizing the additional carbohydrates found in these starches causing blood sugar issues, which inevitably causes weight gain or an inability to take weight off.  Solution: You can feel nourished by simply having a piece of salmon with asparagus and a green salad.  Or try 2 or 3 high water content vegetables with your protein – chard, broccoli and summer squash for example.

Common Way#4  No meal is complete without dessert: Most of you grew up with that habit deeply entrenched into your mealtime traditions.  And what does dessert usually consist of? It  is usually sweet, gooey and highly caloric.  Psychologically you may feel you deserve this “treat” after the hard day you just had.  I strongly advise that you avoid using food as a reward – it’s a bottomless pit where you may end up using that excuse every chance you get.  Solution:  Why not try a piece of cheese with fruit or 1 tbsp of Almond Butter – these food choices will leave you satisfied and less susceptible to uncontrollable sugar cravings.

Common Way#5  TV & Snacking Just Goes Together: Well that’s a big one for so many people.  You automatically pull out the popcorn, chips, candy bar or ice cream when tube gets turned on.  Its so natural.  Just like when you go to the movies of course you have to have the popcorn, soda and junior mints – they just go together like 4th of July and Mom’s Apple Pie.  Just because that’s what others do and have done for “eternity” doesn’t mean it’s good for you or that it can’t be changed.  Breaking these cultural food habits takes a little work but can be accomplished when you set your mind to it.  Solution:  Have a cup of tea instead of the munchies when watching your favorite Reality Show or Drama.  If you must eat something – limit yourself to say 10 almonds.  But before you start eating anything check in with yourself – are you really physically hungry or are you emotionally hungry as in bored, stressed or anxious.  If you slow down enough to ask yourself this question your “hunger” will usually disappear on its own.

Using some of these solutions I provided here for you will help you stop playing games with your hunger – I have no doubt.

Want to Get Your Skinny On?

Is this really what it’s all about?  It’s seldom about what you are eating but more about what’s eating you.  Once you tackle and conquer this piece you will be well on your way to ultimate health, weight maintenance and happy days ahead.   Ok – I don’t want to convince you about life being perfect when you get here – to your ideal weight that is – it never is and never will be but you can get closer to feeling and being healthier if you get to the root of your hazardous eating habits.

I must admit – I am not perfect!  There I’ve said it – I struggle with sugar cravings maybe as much as you do. I am not as consistent with my exercise as I’d like to be. I sometimes do not get 6-9 servings of fruits and vegetables into to my diet on a daily basis.  I am not perfect nor do I want you to be either.  I do, however, want you to strive to make healthier choices – that is my mission – it’s my Skinny Jeans Mission.

Speaking of which – I have been on the hunt for the Most Flattering Skinny Jeans for my body. Just like you I Want to Get my Skinny On, too!  And since it’s my brand I NEED to Get my Skinny On (and keep it on)– and quickly before Bathing Suit season strikes.

I do not own a pair of Skinny Jeans and even though the Skinny Jeans Weight Loss Programs have never been about Skinny Jeans but rather about YOU fitting into YOUR Jeans – you know the ones you once wore when you were thinner. But let’s take it even a step further – this is not just about your Jeans but really it’s been about YOU Fitting into Your Life.  My program name just happened to coincide with the recent Skinny Jeans trend.

But back to my hunt for my perfect Skinny Jeans – it’s been a struggle.  The legs are too tight or the waist is too big – a dilemma – anyone else finding this to be true?

I have been told by women who want to lose 50 or more lbs that the thought of wearing a pair Skinny Jeans is a joke – something they can’t fathom or imagine putting on.  I will say this loudly and proudly Women over 50 lbs or over 50 years old can and should feel beautiful in their body and find a pair of jeans they feel comfortable in and look good in.

Here are the 5 Skinny Jean Truths to Consider:

Skinny Jean Truth #1 – Don’t Be afraid To Try them On:  As is everything in life – don’t be afraid to try something new.  Stretch a little (and make sure your Skinnies have stretch, too!).  You will never know until you jump in.  I realized this Truth during the past few weeks while embarking on my Skinny Jeans Treasure Hunt.  I really hadn’t been looking for these types of Jeans recently but now I was curious – how would I look in a pair? In my mind I had a vague memory of wearing Skinny Jeans before circa late 80’s, early 90’s. Remember them along with leggings?…who would have thought…Go ahead have fun with them.  The worst that can happen is they don’t fit.  Just like trying on a new habit – don’t be afraid to try it on for size.

Skinny Jean Truth #2 – Invite a Friend:  Playing with clothes is fun with a friend.  Whether you are doing retail therapy or finding new ways of putting existing things you already own together in your closet.  Also, doing a Healthy Eating Weight Loss Program is also better with a buddy.  If your spouse is supporting you by joining you – your efforts will be much more easily rewarded and results will soon be visible for both of you.  You won’t need to battle with someone bringing tempting foods into the house – you’ll both be on the same page with your plates.

Skinny Jean Truth #3  YOUR Jeans may be another’s Nightmare:  Do not compare yourself to anyone else.   This will make you crazy and very unhappy.  Someone will always have less weight to lose, be a much smaller size, able to eat more or eat things you can’t.  Or maybe they don’t even need to lose weight. It’s just that way – we are all different and I want you to respect your uniqueness.  Know that your timeline is different, your genes are different and your background and experience is different – honor it!

Skinny Jean Truth #4  All Jeans lead to Rome:  If you put one foot in front of the next – you will eventually get to where you want to go.  If you expect overnight success with your weight loss efforts or healthy eating regimen – you may be disappointed.  You must do what it takes and You MUST take one step, then the next – each step builds onto the next. And then before you know it – Voila – you are there!  You have lost the weight, you are now eating 5-9 fruits and vegetables per day and you’re going to the gym every other day.  The first sign you’ve arrived at this point is that you feel something’s missing if you don’t do this new lifestyle habit.  And who knows maybe you’ll be in Rome buying your New Jeans.  Well, maybe…

Skinny Jean Truth #5  Find a Transition Jean:  When losing weight – slowly but surely – don’t deprive yourself.  Please don’t think of eating healthfully with quality proteins, good fats and fruits and vegetables as deprivation.  This is the way you should eat for optimal health.  As is with your eating, stop the deprivation mindset and buy yourself a few new things – like a pair of jeans – as you start to lose weight.  For example: if you have 50 lbs to lose – buy a new pair at the 25 lbs weight loss mark.  I suggest treating yourself half way to your goal.

7 Revolutionary Lean Laws To Live By

You say you want a Revolution?  Well, maybe not!  Revolution requires an immense amount of focused effort.  I was recently asked by woman who was interested in our programs that if she did everything right and still didn’t lose all the weight she expected to would she be charged.

I feel as though I need to educate my readers and interested clients a little more.  It’s never about a number on the scale although we are very often led to believe that’s all that matters.  Revolutionary changes often take place on the inside.  The scale is not the only indicator of success in a Health, Weight or Wellness Program.  By far it’s so much more than that!

If you start out expecting a certain outcome and another one happens that could possibly be even better, deeper and more long lasting than the original expectation – wouldn’t you be happier? I would think the answer would be yes.

Let’s get to the 7 Revolutionary Lean Laws:

Law #1   Make a Promise to Yourself.  You probably find yourself keeping promises to everyone else but yourself.  If you plan to go to yoga tonight – go.  If you plan to stick with your healthy foods choices while out of town – do the best you can to keep this promise to yourself.  Don’t let other’s priorities influence your choices.

Law #2   Eat Slower.  Did you know eating slower not only helps your digestion but you also will eat less?  This does take practice but you can do it.  Take time to taste, savor and enjoy your food.  Do as the Europeans do “respect food” rather than overeating – possibly shoving it down and eating while doing something else.  Make believe you’re in a Paris Café if that helps.

Law #3   Have a “Vacation State of Mind”.  Don’t wait for Summer Vacation to relax and feel good – start now.  If you are constantly thinking about the future well, of course, you will not appreciate today.  As with food begin to savor the day’s richness and flavor. Plan for smoothness in your life versus always having complications, delays or misunderstandings.  It’s often just as simple as focusing on having ease in your life.  Difficulties create undo stress.  Why not choose to re-route these perceived difficulties and take a detour instead?

Law #4   Things I Miss List.  A client told me today that she’d like to start a “Things I Miss Journal” while doing her Skinny Jeans Program.  I thought that was a brilliant idea. I asked her to add not only food she missed having, which was her original idea, but also habits, activities or experiences that were not part of her life while on her Program.  This is an exercise in awareness. What I have noticed is that list changes and is replaced by a “Things I Like Doing that I didn’t Before”.  Like going to bed earlier, eating regular meals, having 6-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day or drinking more water.  It’s a sure sign that mind shifts are occurring and starting to anchor in.

Law #5   Falling From Grace.  Another client shared with me today that she’d fallen from grace and started eating foods that she hadn’t eaten in months. She consciously started eating candy, cakes and pasta again.  Her guilt was evident after all she’d reached her goal and had spent a lot of time and money to get there.  But her curiosity got the best of her and she wanted to know how those foods tasted again and also how much she could get away with without gaining any weight.  Well she did gain weight and didn’t feel so well which leads me to our next Law.

Law #6   Your Body Doesn’t Lie. Your body can speak to you loud and clear. Even if you get off track and do gain a few lbs you may find other things are going on in your body as well.  All of a sudden rashes, stomach aches, fatigue, irritability and hot flashes re-appear.  You thought you were done with these annoying symptoms once you lost the weight and now they are back with a vengeance.  It’s most likely due to you re-introducing foods that are not your friends back into your diet.  You may not have a full blown food allergy but rather a subtle and not so subtle food intolerance.  You just don’t feel as good as you did.  Cut out the food culprits whether it’s wheat, sugar, dairy or eggs for a couple of weeks and slowly re-introduce them one food at a time.

Law #7   Trust Your Gut. Digestion is key to having a long and healthy life.  If you suffer from digestive distress such as acid reflux or GERD, IBS, constipation or diarrhea it’s vital you correct this condition as soon as possible.  While visiting Canada last week my niece thanked me for introducing her to Probiotics.  She had been plagued with digestive “issues” and now with one simple remedy taken daily she is transformed.  She feels happier, lighter and healthier.  If you are not digesting properly you aren’t making the best use of the food you are eating.

These “revolutionary” Lean Laws can help you, too.  Take one step today.