Archive for Self Improvement – Page 4

Are You Afraid to Eat That?

You may have gotten to the point where you just don’t know what the best thing for you to eat really is.  There are so many food philosophies; yes I call them philosophies, out there that you’re just not sure where to turn for the best advice.

Well, if you aren’t working with a professional right at the moment, figuring it out on your own could be a challenge.  You wonder “how much protein is actually healthy for me?”  You ask: “Doesn’t high protein and especially saturated fat cause heart disease?”  “Wouldn’t a vegetarian or even a vegan diet a la “Forks over Knives” method work the best for me?” you inquire. “How about all the genetically modified stuff out there – how do I know if my family’s safe?” you ask. And if you’re gluten free you want to know “What can I have instead of gluten?” So many questions and so paths to entertain.

Everyone is unique.  My husband has Kidney Disease and can’t eat greens, nuts, cheese, most fruits, potatoes and several other seemingly healthy foods, but for him those foods aren’t healthy ones.  They elevate his potassium and phosphorous which can have extreme consequences for him.  But if you’re relatively healthy, these kinds of foods are excellent to help maintain good health.

But let’s face it – it’s all very confusing.  Being too rigid is not a solution. There is a condition called Orthorexia, like anorexia it is a serious eating disorder. Orthorexics are so rigid with their healthy eating regimen that they become overly obsessed to an extreme. Unlike anorexia, those with orthorexia do eat but are so fanatically focused on only eating healthy that no food considered unhealthy passes their lips. Even though this is a serious illness, recovery is possible.

So how can you be OK with what’s available and what you put on your plate?

Here are 5 Tips to Help You Be Unafraid of Your Food Choices: 

Tip #1  Relax:  No need to get upset if you happen to eat something that is less than healthy every once in awhile.  Everyone faces this dilemma and we’re often tempted more that we’d like to admit. If you can make healthy food choices 70-80% of the time you’ll be in good shape.  Remember this is never about being perfect but about being healthy.

Tip #2  There is no BAD Food:  Labeling food good or bad can pose a problem.  As I mentioned my husband can’t have greens yet greens are something I recommend all the time to my clients and readers. It’s not good for him but for nearly everyone else greens are good.  Using the word BAD to describe a food can make it emotionally charged and a huge negative punch to your psyche. This association leaves you feeling guilty, miserable and more susceptible to reaching for those types of commonly considered “bad” foods over and over again, especially when things go wrong in your life. A better categorization for food might be: those that nourish and give energy and those that make you not feel good, create symptoms and deplete you of vitality.

Tip #3  Check the Labels:  Even though I encourage you to primarily choose real, whole, fresh foods without labels, sometimes you can’t avoid it.  Make sure the packaged foods you are choosing are GMO free and don’t contain highly modified corn or soy ingredients.  Stay away from unhealthy syrups and sweeteners as well, they are first off  artificial or secondly toxic and you wouldn’t want either in your tummy.

Tip #4  Ask your waiter/waitress or grocer:  If you have any doubt about what’s in the dish you’re ordering tonight for dinner – ask. No need to feel embarrassed or feel like you’re  causing a scene. You don’t need to have a food allergy in order to gain permission for a query. Most restaurants nowadays have become quite used to the more educated consumer wanting to know more about what they are putting into their mouths.

Restaurants have become quite adept at answering most questions the diner has.  Even your grocer is there to help. If you’re uncertain about something, do ask. Also, if your local grocery store doesn’t carry some of your favorite healthy foods, ask them to either stock it or special order it for you.  They’ll be happy to do so and keep you as their loyal customer.

Tip #5 Drop the Jitters: No need to go overboard about the food you eat.  Every food you consume does not have to be gluten, dairy or whatever “free”. Remain calm and do your best to enjoy your meals, savor every morsel and if you don’t like it don’t eat it. Unless you, of course, are more accustomed to eating only junk food, greasy burgers and fries – your palate then needs to be trained for healthier fare. Food should taste good all on its own without the need for sauces, dressings or extra salt.  Whole, fresh food has so much inherent flavor and goodness in it.  Give yourself time to experience the true JOY OF EATING!

Finding Your Right Bathing Suit

Ahhhh…. it’s time!  Do you dread it or look forward to bearing arms?   Ok – it doesn’t need to be painful, scary or even forgettable.  It’s just what is.  It’s summer you want to shed the extra clothing and feel comfortable poolside or on your walk in the sand – right.  I have pulled up for you from O Magazine some of the top bathing suit styles that may be just the right thing for you.  I’m not the expert but O’s team certainly is.  Which type are you?  Have fun figuring it out.  If you want to know more click on the link at the end of this article.  Enjoy!

If You’re Big-Chested…

“Finding bathing suits is hard because my top half is much bigger than my bottom,” says Dawn Zimniak, 29, a residential real estate agent. Zimniak relies on mix-and-match separates, strategically placed embellishments, and occasionally even a tailor. “I shop for suits with structure so I can run around and not worry about a wardrobe malfunction,” she says. This patterned minimizer (Miraclesuit, $144) is supportive and slimming; gathered fabric at the waist creates a flattering division between chest and hips.

If You’re Small-Busted…

Singer-actress Jolie Walsh, 33, is forever on the hunt for suits that will build her bust and elongate her petite frame. This bright polka-dot bikini (Nanette Lepore, top, $68, and bottom, $78) plays up the bustline and makes her legs seem like they start at the—very high—waist. “It’s so retro and feminine,” says Walsh. “I never would have expected it to look this good on me.”

If You’re Pear-Shaped…

“I used to compromise on an unflattering top or bottom, but now I see that I don’t have to,” says Jacinda Carlisle, 36, a freelance fashion public relations agent. Thanks to its unique cutaway style, this suit (Tara Grinna Swimwear, $139) accentuates what Carlisle likes most (her small waist) and hides what she’s self-conscious about (her hips). It’s both sexy and demure—and, as she says, “definitely worthy of a trip to the Caribbean.”

If You’re Plus-Sized…

“Basically, I want it all,” says Maggie Brown, 28, a dental assistant. “A suit needs to be sexy but practical: sturdy straps, a good bra, and coverage for my backside.” She loves this swimdress (Carol Wior, originally $110, now $49 with code OPRAH) because it emphasizes her cleavage while concealing her thighs (typically, she buys a separate sarong to match). To complement her curves, Brown gravitates toward one-pieces—”usually solids with some interesting detail.” Check, check, and check.

Sue Molnar, 46, a Spinning instructor, works out six days a week to maintain her lean, toned figure. “It took until my 40s to love my teenage physique,” she says. “But with a small bust and hips, I’m always looking for styles that add femininity.” The vertical axis of this color-blocked tankini (Pret-A-Surf, top, $160) balances Molnar’s shoulders; the solid bottom ($140) breaks up her long torso.

Read more:

Your NEW Story

In our last E-zine, I wrote about finding your voice – your gifts. Hope you have been doing some inventory and discovering how precious you are!

Losing one brother and almost losing another 3 years ago has made me realize that not only is life too short and that you should go for it – but also I realized who we meet along the way is who we actually become…

Let me explain.  Everyone you meet contributes to your very essence, your story, your life and who you are becoming.  You connect with some more than others – they matter to you and you matter to them in some way – if only for a brief moment or for decades.

If you have had a past that still haunts or people in your past that hurt you, it’s time to re-write a New Story.  As Paul Simon’s song Re-write suggestsI’m working on my rewrite, that’s right.  I’m gonna change the ending”.

Yes, that’s right you can re-write it any way you want.  As you begin to write – cherish the good and focus on what brings you or has brought you joy and peace.  What gives or has given you a new perspective – a new view on your life and yourself…? During this Holiday Weekend get out your pen and start to explore.

I just watched Oprah’s last show today (recorded). I was certainly touched and inspired by her words.  She spoke about having your destiny and that what you may be doing right now is YOUR platform. Who you meet along the way – who you influence – whether it’s 1 or 10 or 50 people – is just as significant as the millions she’s able to reach.  You have influence – you matter to them and they matter to you.

As you begin re-writing your story, here are 3 Questions to ask yourself:

#1  What was the best part of your childhood… what mattered?

#2  What were your favorite games and past-times…did they matter and how?

#3  Who did you hang out with…who mattered?

Have fun and have a wonderful Memorable Memorial Day Weekend!


I just recently read from the I Ching the following:

“Nourishment refers to more than a healthy diet. It is the care-giving function. Eating properly implies care for oneself; providing healthy meals in the home is a sign of caring for the family. The writer of a great book or composer of an inspiring piece of music also provides nourishment, by caring deeply about the quality of his or her work and offering it to the world.

We can know others by observing what they choose to nourish in their lives. Do they properly feed and develop their bodies? Do they cultivate their spirits, their intellects, their moral values? Do they nourish and care for those around them? If so, to whom do they devote their energies? The most successful people are temperate in eating and drinking, thinking and dreaming. They strengthen the world by nurturing everyone’s higher nature.

Pay heed to your thoughts and impulses, ignoring those that undermine a healthy and persevering attitude. A wise person is temperate in the consumption of food and drink, because to be otherwise only leads to discomfort; the fact that temporary pleasure may precede the discomfort does not influence the person of mature character. In the same way, be discriminating in your words and actions, lest a desire for temporary advantage lead you to cause pain for yourself or others. Enrich your character and you will naturally nourish everyone around you.”

Profound – isn’t it? I couldn’t have written this any better. I wanted to relay these ancient words of wisdom to you. I have often said that it’s not only what you eat but how you eat. How you prepare your foods, even in shopping for those items, will nourish your body, mind and soul. How soothing and comforting it is to slow down and sip a cup of tea – allowing yourself to relax for a brief moment – to collect yourself. Or even cutting up your refreshing watermelon. See the color and freshness and imagine how juicy and perfect it will taste! Or getting to bed a little earlier than normal – shutting off the computer long before bedtime – so your mind can be rested and ready to sleep versus being stimulated – that makes falling into a sound sleep much more difficult. How about the simple act of buying yourself some flowers? Or you can simply walk outside into your yard and cut a beautiful bunch of roses – there they will be for you to look at throughout your day … inhale their sweet scent.

I know you are probably getting the idea, right? Nurture, nourish and comfort your body, mind and spirit today, now …

Envisioning Your Lean & Healthy Future

As many of you know I have been using Vision Boards as a personal development tool for myself as well recommending it to you for years.   It is a powerful technique that can help clarify your goals, priorities and dreams and can perhaps reveal a strategy on how to accomplish them. Vision boards are now being used increasingly in corporate and business environments for team building and leadership development as well. This magical tool can help you engage your imagination, creativity and the child within.

By using images and words found in magazines you create a collage-like picture filled with things that appeal to you. You can gain better insight as to what kind of future you’d like to have and what’s important to you.  These images can often inspire certain feelings, giving you the essence of what you want to create – for example, maybe you want more quiet time so you pick a picture of a beach scene, or you want more freedom so you pick a picture of a plane or an eagle in flight.  You can choose whatever you like – what’s important is that it means something to you.

When putting your Vision Board together, try not to analyze or think too much about the images you’ve chosen.  Don’t try to be perfect – just allow your right brain – your creative and imaginative side – to have free rein.  By doing this, you are letting your playful and uncensored self tell you not only your most obvious wishes, in visual form, but perhaps some inner yearnings you didn’t even know you had…

I enjoy incorporating Vision Boards into my sessions.  When helping you with your health and wellness, I often recommend this fun and powerful tool to help you visualize what you want.   I often work with many who want to lose weight, the Vision Board process helps to envision that future self – how you’d like to look and feel.  Even after losing weight, this tool can help identify a new leaner self image versus an older outdated image that is no longer applicable. Even when you are stuck, this process can often provide an authentic solution to a problem.  The psychological healing benefit of the Vision Board process is immense.  It can take you on an inner journey and often gives you a wonderfully creative roadmap.

Vision Boards actually help you access another deeper sense of what’s possible.  Often when you see it and feel it – that “it” can often be created in your life. For example, I had a client who was a film producer. She started working on her Board and saw herself in a suit, executive office and being surrounded by co-workers.  She was surprised these images came to her – as her life as an Independent Film Producer was nothing like this.  It excited her though and 6 months later she found herself working in the financial industry and you guessed it wearing a suit, and all the rest.  So you never know what your Vision Board work will reveal and where it will lead you.

Don’t stop envisioning what you want whether it’s a leaner body, seeing yourself waltzing into that holiday party perhaps – all eyes on you – looking and feeling fantastic.  Go ahead – find the image in that magazine on the coffee table right now– HAVE FUN!

It’s Ridiculous!

It’s ridiculous when you think about it!  All this time you may be thinking I don’t have any willpower, I’m a failure at eating properly, losing weight, staying away from the cookies, succumbing to my temptations – what’s wrong with me? You cry out!  Well, it may not be your entire fault.  Yes, that’s right.  Choosing the foods you do may seem like it’s always your choice.  But when you are experiencing some uncontrollable, addictive behavior, the foods that you are choosing may actually have a lot to do with your cravings.  You seem to start eating these forbidden foods and then you just can’t stop.

Unfortunately, the very nature of these types of foods is what prevents you from stopping.    The high sugar, high fat and high salt contained within most foods you purchase in packages or even in restaurants are inherently damaging to any concept of self control.  Remember the movie “Super Size Me”?  Again, the very nature of the food business is to you keep you hooked – so you eat more and eat more of the wrong, unhealthy, addictive items.  The portions add up and so does the frequency.

Eating cleanly and healthfully requires commitment and making the firm decision that you need help and are willing to do whatever it takes to stop this madness.  Here are some simple tips to get you started into Eating Sobriety, so to speak.

#1  Portion Size.  I know, it’s easier said than done.  It requires diligence and awareness.  It also requires you to slow down and taste the food you are eating.  Savor it and appreciate what this food is giving you.  Ask yourself – is this food giving me the Gift of Life?  If not, why would you eat this much of it or any of it all?  A profound question to ask yourself, which is not often asked before, during of after your meals.  But I would urge you to consider what and how much you are eating rather than being oblivious to what’s on your plate and subsequently in your stomach. Also, by not eating meals throughout the day, you are much more susceptible to overeating at any one meal.  So balance your blood sugar and eat your 3 main meals everyday.

 #2  Eat your Greens. I pride myself as being “Green”.  For years of course, I’ve been saying eat your greens.  But that’s not all – eat your reds, yellows, purples, blues, etc – you get the idea.  A whole and natural food, unless it has food dye in it, has an amazing, vibrant color.  Real food looks Real.  If its too bright, too intense – maybe an additive has been added – so avoid it altogether.  What creates the enticing and healthy color of foods are the rich natural pigments and various nutrients like flavenoids for example.

#3   For now, stay away from ALL Packaged Foods. As you get started in your journey of healthy eating stay away from all foods in bags, boxes and cans.  Reading labels can be confusing so to begin with, to make it easier, stay away from packaged foods.  And to let you know anything in bags and boxes is never really a true friend anyway.  They are usually filled with excessive calories and artificial ingredients that you just don’t need.  Choose fresh, real foods most, if not all of the time.

#4   Forgive yourself. Beating yourself up or letting others do it for you does not work – ever!  You are a good and well meaning person and deserve to be treated with the utmost respect.  Eating well and staying on track is a clear way of respecting yourself.  If you wander off track and find yourself wrapped up in some unhealthy habits – forgive yourself and start again.  It’s like learning to walk – see that you are making progress one step at a time and know that you will fall down on your way to integrating your new habits – it’s part of your growth – remember baby steps…

#5  Don’t be fooled – Stay Aware.  Denying something is happening will not be the best strategy for you.  Overlooking things you seriously say you want to change and postponing them will only keep you stuck and keep you in a perpetual state of disappointment and frustration. You will never take ownership of your wants and dreams and they will remain in the wishful thinking category of life.  It’s actually a great way to stay stuck and not take responsibility for an area of your life that is not working for you.  We can fool ourselves often – trying to protect ourselves, usually unconsciously, from taking a real hard look at ourselves and the lives we say we want but don’t believe we can have.

#6  Get help.  If you really want to accomplish something it’s worth getting the expert help you need.  Trying to build a house on your own, unless you are a contractor, is ridiculous.  Building a solid foundation filled with healthy, stable and long lasting habits requires a blueprint and someone to help you.  I have seen many over the last year or so try to accomplish their health and weight loss goals on their own.  I’m sorry to say, they have been unable to and remain the same a year later still frustrated and considering desperate measures to gain control of their eating.

#7  Step away from the Table. If your eating environment caused you to overeat change it.  Shake it up a bit and find a new place or ritual to help stop your associations with overeating or eating the wrong foods.  Whether it’s a place in your home or at work or your favorite restaurant – keep your eyes open for a reflex  behavior.   Remember you are attempting to change your behavior which means eliminating potential triggers that take you down the wrong path Remove the exterior stimulants that cause poor eating decision making.

Even You Need to be Mothered

Is it possible to Mother yourself when Mom’s not available or nearby?  I say yes.  I think the best thing your mother can do for you is to teach you how to mother and nurture yourself.  But let’s face it – it’s a skill, a talent and a gift.  Doing this kind of self care requires commitment like that of a mother.   But as an adult, it is the #1 thing you need to become adept at.

This Mother’s Day, while showering or being showered by attention, think of how you can become  more self reliant in the self nurturing arena.

Secrets to Get YOU Started on Your Nurturing Journey:

Secret #1 –Reflect:  Do you have time to reflect and think things through or are you always harried, frazzled and stressed?  Well if you spend most of your days in this anxiety prone state, you will not be on the road to long term health.

Learning to slow down and say no to all the distractions which take you away from your true self – your true core – will re-generate and honor your beautiful nature and soul.

Sounds like foreign territory?  You must learn to nurture yourself by creating time without pressure (one of my new mottos) and taking the time to give to yourself – even just a little.

Secret #2 – Journal:  I love to write. I find it a source of grounding, clarity and a place where my imagination can run free.  I get to work things out on paper.  It’s a safe and uncrowded place for me to explore and be as honest as I possibly can with myself.   I know you may not find this easy to do and may in fact run from the mere mention of sitting down to write out your deep and most private thoughts.  You scream out “I have no time, someone might read it, and I’m not much of a writer.”  Start with small steps.  Remember this is a place to get to know yourself better.  To get you started you may want to pick up the classic “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron.

Secret #3  Allow Others to do for YOU:  Alert, alert!  You can not do it all by yourself!  I mean you can, but at what price?  Do you want to constantly feel rundown while feeling virtuous about accomplishing a feat you had set out to do single handedly?  Wouldn’t you like to have a team helping you out all the way to the finish line?  Did you know, collaboration comes very naturally to women, and is so much more rewarding.  Women actually crave it.  Better satisfy this craving than your sweet tooth.  Your “team or helpers” will also feel special contributing.  They will feel a part of something and have a real sense of belonging.  Let them!  Let go of any martyr or saint tendencies.  Come to terms with the fact that you are a mere mortal with needs and an ability to ask for help (always!).

Secret #4   Make yourself Important: But don’t take yourself too seriously.  Don’t dismiss any thoughts or ideas you have.  Value them all – they are a part of you.  The worst thing you can do is attack, criticize or demean yourself in any way.  You want to be supportive of yourself at all  times just like a nurturing mother would be.

Secret #5   Take a Bath:  Nothing like a warm, sudsy, comforting, candle-lit bath at the end of a day that says “I love me”! No I don’t mean in a narcissistic way but in a loving, mothering, and accepting way.

The warmth of this simple yet soothing activity will go a long way.  You will feel calmer, more relaxed and you will sleep better, too.  Your calming brain chemicals, specifically Serotonin and Gaba, will be activated ensuring a deep and restful sleep.

Detoxify… Your Mind

Do you ever feel scattered and overwhelmed?  Do you pray for focus to help you be more productive and less exhausted at the end of the day?  Do you strive for that feeling of accomplishment with a satisfying moment so you can kick back and enjoy the feeling of a job well done?  At that moment you may feel a little tired but you aren’t exhausted.  You know that exhaustion that I’m talking about when even getting off the couch to go to your comfortable and welcoming bed is too much.  Surely you deserve a good night’s sleep – don’t you?

So how can you enjoy the pleasure of a job well done?  The magic word –FOCUS.  Yes, we live in an ADD world – distractions are paramount.  You actually need to develop the muscle to help create a clear, unadultereated focus if you are ever going to feel a sense of peace.

Lately I have been giving many of my clients the job of  “detoxifying their minds”.  Yes that’s right!  Getting everything out of your head and onto paper.  All the shoulds, wants, failures, disapointments.  All of it!  Put it right before your eyes to look at and face and then eliminate.  This simple process not only cleanses the mind but also makes you feel a lot lighter.   All you have to do is give yourself a ½ hour or so to start and then write – no edits – preferably handwritten, too.  Allow yourself to be uncensored.  The constant barrage of a continuous, unproductive loop of thoughts can drive us batty.  It’s hard to create something new – new habits, patterns or thoughts -when our brain won’t stop re-treading the old worn-out pathway.

Now you have the opportunity to shed and then re-start – to create a New Story – A New Vision for yourself.  As I heard the other day – “get out of the box so you can read the instructions”.  Let yourself go.

Here are 4 more Tips on How to Detoxify Your Mind and Life:

#1 – De-Clutter.   Too early for spring cleaning?  Well not really.  The cleaner, clearer and more organized your environment is the better you will feel.  Your spirits will improve and so will your self esteem.  The recent interest in the ancient art of placement called  Feng Shu gives us the delightful tools of  how to make our enviroment more beneficial and harmonious.   From color, to texture, to size of a piece of furniture – it all has an impact on your wellbeing.  Stuck energy – whether mental or physical, may very well be caused by improper placement of certain things in key areas in your home, office or yard.  There are many books available on the subject if you want to learn more.

#2 – Get Support.   Everyone needs help.  If you have braved through endless hours of working on a project, going shopping for groceries, then making dinner, then the laundry, then back to the drawing board to finish your project way past midnight – you know what I’m talking about.   If you find yourself working these kinds double or triple shifts at work and home –enroll your family.  You know if you go around with this air of competence they’ll never know you need help.  There is nothing wrong with you if you ask others to chip in.  The secret is people love to contribute  and feel a part of something.  By your slowing down and saving your precious energy (and sanity) – others will step up to the plate and often do more (and a better) job than you could have imagined.  You do not need to do everything all by yourself.  Ask yourself – who is on your team?

#3 – Speak up.   Ask for what you want and need.  You may not feel comfortable doing this at first – but it’s like flexing a new muscle – you will get better over time.  Declaring your wants proudly – first to yourself and then to others – is a sheer sign that you are taking good care of yourself.  You are learning how to take a stand for yourself.  And don’t think about this tactic as being a selfish one – far from the truth.    Remember the basic instructions on a plane – you are the one who always gets the life vest 1st .  You will be detoxifying yourself of the worn out idea that everyone’s priorities are more important than yours – throw that one out the window – quickly!  You are important and you count.

#4 – Relinquish It.   When it comes to your physical space – if you don’t plan to make a Vision Board Collage with that stack of magazines in the corner – get rid of them.  And don’t fool yourself into thinking that you may actually have time to read them someday – just get rid of them.  Or – how about your closet – well if this is too daunting hire a qualified De-Cluttering Genius or an Expert Image Consultant. They love their work and will help you become more objective about the things you can and can’t live without.  This also goes for your kitchen.  Eliminate all the sugar – yes all of it – you can do it!  Because it’s not good for anyone, don’t try and convince yourself to keep it around because someone in your household loves it.  Remember it’s not an ingredient that’s beneficial to anyone’s health.

Don’t Gain it Back

We have all seen many celebrities have problems with their weight – needing to stay in the greatest of shape and then just not being able to sustain it. Right before our eyes, on public display, they bare their souls about their struggles.  Many of us can identify and try as we might, this challenge becomes more and more daunting and difficult to conquer.

Here are five tips on how you can get it and keep it off.  Being able to wear your wardrobe easily – year after year. Let’s get you back into your Skinny Jeans and keep you there. Talk about true freedom!

Tip #1: Stay connected to the qualified professional who helped you lose the weight in the first place. It’s so important to have a strategy and surround yourself with the people who helped you become successful before. Let me be honest – it’s hard to sustain your good eating, exercise, and self care habits on your own. It just is!

We are constantly exposed to triggers in our environment that easily take us off track and distract us from taking care of ourselves. It’s important to have someone who can help you stay empowered, inspired, and successful for the long run.

Tip #2: Take things OFF your plate. This is especially true for you women reading or hearing this today. We women tend to overdo things and we feel virtuous and seemingly “guilt-free” by saying YES to everything and everyone. I encourage you to stop this habit as soon as possible. I have found the most successful people in my programs are those focused more on their wants and needs first, before focusing on what everyone else wants and needs – either in their personal or professional lives.

What happens is that when you are taking care of yourself, a miracle happens. Everyone else seems to be doing just fine and maybe even getting healthier as well. As you start to take better care of yourself, those close to you actually become inspired and start doing the same. Now there’s no guarantee this will happen; however, surprisingly, I see this happen a lot. So stop doing for everyone else, fixing everyone else’s problems, and start focusing on you. You owe it to yourself. Unless you are dealing with young children or elderly parents, everyone else can take care of themselves more than you think they can. Believe me, I see this happen everyday.

Tip #3: Make sure you reward yourself with things other than food or alcohol.  There are so many other, non-caloric, ways to give yourself a gift of appreciation for a job well done, or for something you’ve accomplished, a massage, a new scarf, a new belt, new piece of jewelry, going for a walk on the beach, a concert, a belly dancing class-why not?

I just started ballroom dancing myself, again (I tried it a couple of years ago). Even though I’d always taken dance classes most of my life, ballet, modern, jazz, and most recently hip-hop, which I loved (and didn’t think I would).  I thought I’d add some “new steps” to my repertoire. You know, learning a new activity is not only good for your waistline, but also for your mind and your confidence. So go ahead, give yourself a healthy reward. It’ll be satisfying in so many more ways than eating a bag of M&M’s.

Tip #4: Eat real, whole, and fresh foods as much as possible. They are loaded with the stuff you need and won’t leave you starving or feeling deprived because they are providing the nutrients you need to stay slim and healthy. I have never been a big fan of packaged, processed, or altered foods. There is not much to these bagged, boxed, and artificial foods, which I sometimes refer to as just “good tasting cardboard”, with the “good tasting” component being questionable of course.

The closer a food is to its natural state or as I always say, “closer to mother nature,” the better it is for you. You can’t derive much fuel for your mind and body from empty calories. Even if a whole food appears to have more calories like a sirloin steak, in comparison to a box of crackers you will always be further ahead with the real food versus the packaged one.

Consider staying away from packaged “diet foods” as eating these types of foods actually prevents you from learning how to cook healthy foods.  Often these pre-packaged foods are loaded with sodium and other additives. So think healthy, not necessarily quick fix.

Tip #5: Move. You need to move. There’s no getting around this. Find something that doesn’t feel like work but is loads of fun. As I just did with the ballroom dancing. Yes, that’s right – exercise can be fun (just like eating well can also be fun). Make a point of doing something everyday, even if just for 10 minutes.

You need to make this a habit. It’s good for your brain to help with stress reduction by taking a simple break in your day. Have things around that trigger you to move like the weights or pictures of you doing yoga. That is what I have on my Vision Board, which I get to look at every day. I also have a recumbent bike, free weights, ball and bands at home, and a beautiful neighborhood to take walks in if I choose to. Don’t just plan to go to the gym someday, take the first step and then stick with it. And also mix it up a bit. Don’t always do the same thing everyday. Try something new, so you can work different muscle groups and keep it interesting.

These are the tips that will keep you from heading down the same path that some famous people have gone down. Do these and you will always be in great shape-mind, body, and spirit!

Discovering Your Gifts

I grew up in a robust and lively household.  There was NEVER a dull moment!  With a family of 10 (8 siblings and my parents) there was a lot going on all the time.  Recently I have been reviewing my childhood and finding out what talents I accrued from my early days.  Even though peace and quiet was not something I had in my childhood home, I certainly developed abilities necessary to thrive in a hectic environment.  First my ability to handle many people and things at once was clearly established.  My ability to tap into others needs and concerns helped me be more adaptable and sensitive to others.  Also, considering I was the youngest in the brood, I learned how to stand up for myself and fight for wrongs incurred against myself and others.  I suppose speaking up for myself has given me my ability to feel somewhat at ease with public speaking (known to be the number one fear most people have).  I could also say that being the youngest almost forced me to make my voice bigger and more unique.

Have you found your voice?  What are the unique gifts you have developed or even forgotten from your childhood?

Here are 3 Tips on Discovering (or Re-discovering) Your Gifts:

Tip #1  Your Environment.  What was your environment like?  Was it chaotic, peaceful and serene, or was it active, exciting and never a dull moment just like mine?  Whatever it was like you may gain some clues about the type of environment you thrive best in.  However, you may find yourself choosing something exactly opposite of what you’re used to.   Having a busy childhood – now you’ve chosen not to have children or you were an only child and now you’ve chosen a house full of offspring.  Whatever the choice I wonder if you find yourself anxious or unable to relax?  Regardless of your environment – an inability to really relax is a common phenomenon of our culture.  We are so conditioned to be craving an adrenaline rush whether it’s by having a jam packed schedule, using food for excitement and entertainment, becoming addicted to Facebook – you fill in the blanks.

Most of us don’t know how to relax. Learning this skill, regardless of how you were raised, is essential if you want to have a healthy and balanced life.  The 1st step is to allow yourself to do nothing – yes, you read that right!  Stay quiet – no TV, no books, no knitting – just close your eyes fo 5-10 minutes and let your thoughts just drift from one thought to the next.  The longer you do this the more you’ll find your thoughts begin to disappear leaving you feeling calmer and more rejuvenated.  After your “Mind Relaxation” exercise, you might want to journal about any discoveries or clarity you may found during this process.

Tip #2  Getting Along. How did your Parents behave with each other and with your siblings?  Was it the same for everyone?  Did they have time for you?  It’s funny, I often hear that only children got a lot of attention and yet spent a lot of time alone – a possible contradiction.  It’s really hard to have much time on your own with siblings around, but an ability to create quiet time – a time to re-center –  can be developed.  I have found that when you spend all your time making sure everyone else is taken care of and always busying ourselves with others concerns – we usually forget what we really need.

It’s vital that you cultivate “quiet time” in your day or at the very least sometime in your week.  Rushing around here and there only increases your stress hormones, creates unhealthy habits, bad food choices and disturbed sleep among other things.  You end up “feeling ragged and worn-out” – not the desirable results when you would rather be feeling productive and  focused.  It’s difficult to do anything when exhausted and stressed out. So getting along with yourself first is optimal, and the only way to do that is by taking the time to get to know yourself better.  What makes you tick, what are your likes and dislikes, what are you drawn to?  The more you get along with and know yourself – the better you are at getting along with others.  Doing things for the right reasons – not to people please by continuously compromising on your goals or even your values is not the best way to live.

Tip #3  Did you feel nurtured?  This may not be easy to assess now that we are adults.  Our perceptions of feeling nurtured in our childhood may be a little skewed.  I find, in general, one of the most difficult skills to develop is self nurturing.  Most of us don’t really know how to do this successfully. Although pleasant experiences like going to the spa, going shopping, going out for lunch with a friend is really not what I’m talking about here. I have often seen frantic women rush to their spa destination as if it’s just another thing to do – another job.  They are thinking – “Let’s get this done and take it off our list – it’s supposed to help me relax – right?” This attitude kind of defeats the purpose – doesn’t it?

My mission here is to help you learn how to slow down a little and maybe sacrifice the spa and opt for creating a spa-like sanctuary right where you are – in your very own home without noise, brain clutter, distractions or other people’s agendas. In doing so – you’ll choose better foods to enjoy and eat in a more relaxed and digestively supportive way.  Giving your body not only the nutrients – healthy foods – it needs, but also helping those nutrients go to the right places in your body, giving you the most bang for your buck is the key. You see eating isn’t just about the food, it’s about the atmosphere and state you are in before, during and after eating.  It’s an art really.  The Art of Eating is one of the Arts of Feeling Nurtured so relax and enjoy…

Book to read:  The Solution by Lucinda Bassett will help you dig further.