Archive for Skinny Jeans – Page 2

Are YOU Sick and Tired of Trying to Squeeze into…?

Are you thinking that it may be time to give your jeans away because you’ll never fit into them?

Are you sick and tired of squeezing into our…?  Well you name it…

Panic no more, leave the depression behind, grab onto your leather belts and floral scarves… You really don’t have to give up.  You can fit into your clothes again — no fooling.  It does however, take some work.  Hopefully that’s not surprising.  But wait it doesn’t have to mean pushing a boulder up a steep hill – no, not at all.  Believe it or not this is not rocket science – sound nutritional and behavioral science – yes.

Here Are Your 5 Easy-to-Implement
Skinny Tips:

Skinny Tip #1  Believe You Can.  Guess what? We all think we can’t in some area of our lives.  Even the most successful have their doubts – but they still go ahead and feel the fear and you know the rest… yes, they do it anyway. So many things in life are hard but definitely worth it.  I had a client who detoxed her body as she began herSkinny Jeans Program-she felt unwell – tired, headachy, and unfocused.  This lasted a few days and now 2 weeks later she’s feeling more energetic and focused than she has in a long time. She hung in there, believed she could and she’s well on her way to her health and weight goals.

Skinny Tip #2   It’s Not Overnight. Your habits took a while to get comfortable in your body and mind and they kind of want to hang around for a while (like the rest of your life – maybe). But you need to tell those near, dear and unhealthy habits it’s time for a vacation perhaps a permanent one.  You need to boldly make up your mind to make some changes.  If you see you’re exercising habit is well established and you’re still not losing weight you may need to re-think your approach.  Know that even though exercise is essential for good health it is NOT A WEIGHT LOSS STRATEGY.  I need to make this very clear – 80% has to do with your diet – what and how you eat on a daily basis.  Exercise only accounts for 20% in contributing to weight loss.  Right from the get go you need to change your diet and your relationship with your food – absolutely no getting around this.

Skinny Tip#3  Forget about Will Power.  No such thing really.  Having sugar cravings may have originally started with you taking that first bite of cake.  But once you succumb to indulging you often find you just can’t stop.  Sound familiar?  Well science has shown time and again just how our cravings develop and how they effect blood sugar balance to causing the development of a yeast-like imbalance in our digestive system.  This yeast imbalance is called  Candida.  Candida live off sugar and the only way to stop the cycle is to starve the yeast from producing by abstaining from sugar and simple carbohydrates, as well as vinegars, mushrooms and other yeast or mold like food substances.  A good probiotic taken regularly will also stave off this imbalance once the culprit is removed. So again, once it’s out of control in your body, will power plays very little if any a role.

Skinny Tip#4   Make Preparation Nurturing.  So many feel like they don’t have time to prepare healthy meals and wish to hire an elusive healthy gourmet chef. I often counsel my clients about the nurturing and healing aspect of preparing your food.  Do you remember my saying“Let Your Food be Your Medicine and Your Kitchen Be Your Pharmacy”.  Believe it or not your kitchen can be your healing Sanctuary where you take good care of yourself by choosing healthy foods and presenting them in an appealing way.  Sure it takes a little time and some practice but once you get into the habit – you won’t want to go back.  Even if you are preparing your lunches – how satisfying is it to open up a fresh salad with chicken or fish – something you made with your loving hands – fresh and nutritious just waiting for you – don’t you just feel so pampered?  Yes, embrace this important healthy strategy – it’s good for you.

Skinny Tip #5   Say no to GMO.  Did you know Genetically Modified Organismsmay be the culprit in not only your weight gain but allergies and most of the health challenges you or your loved ones may be experiencing.  They can negatively alter your digestion, metabolism and you and your family’s overall health.  GMO’s are found in common foods like corn, cornmeal, soy, alfalfa, zucchini and yellow crook neck squash to name a few.

If you’d like to know more view this extraordinary film about Genetically Modified Organisms which you may, unknowingly, be ingesting on a regular based. Watch the film entitled: Genetic Roulette.

For a minimum donation of $2.99 going to the Institute for Responsible Technology you can watch this revealing film.

Click here

So you see, it’s not that hard to stop squeezing into those clothes and saying hello to a slimmer, leaner you.  The next time you look in the mirror tell yourself -“I can and I will”. And then take your 1st step and stick with it.

Shedding Your Winter Coat and Putting on Your Skinny Jeans

What happens when you constantly feel like you have clothes in your closet that you just can’t fit into or that you feel uncomfortable in because they are way too tight!  You know the winter often gets you hibernating and hiding out in oversized clothes and, dare I say, adding a few extra pounds.  Even here in Southern California, we wear many things to cover ourselves up to stay warm and cozy in the winter months.  Therefore, everyone is vulnerable.

This week, as I was interviewing candidates for a new position for my company, I told them about our Skinny Jeans Program.  Each one of them got it right away.  We all know what Skinny Jeans are about—those elusive pieces of clothing—not just those jeans that don’t fit anymore, but anything in our closet that we hope and pray someday will once again look great on our lean and svelte bodies.

We women understand this oh so well.  I’m sure you men have overheard your wives, girlfriends, and sisters complain about this phenomenon.  What woman out there doesn’t want to look great in their jeans?  After all, it’s a sign of youth, leanness, attractiveness, and sexiness.  Sure, we all want that, don’t we? 

So stay tuned for the Skinny Jeans Group Program Launch.  If you have a story, video, or poem about wanting to fit into your Skinny Jeans but can’t—send it to us.  We are having a contest and you may be the Skinny Jeans winner.  Looking forward to hearing from you!

(c) Monika Klein, B.S., C.N. is an award winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert. Monika is the “Compassionate and Practical Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach.” Her company, Coaching For Health, offers life transforming weight loss and wellness programs, classes and products throughout the world. To learn more about Monika’s services and programs, visit

Skinny Jeans Program and Downward Dog to the Rescue!

An old acquaintance of mine came into the office today and was upset summer was on it’s way.  She couldn’t bear the thought of bearing her arms in coming weeks as the weather got warmer and warmer.  She was so surprised that in just a few short years, since she turned 48 actually, her arms seemed like they didn’t belong to her anymore.  I told her to calm down and that I could and would easily help her with the painful new problem she now faced.  Of course, I encouraged her to start my Skinny Jeans Program right away—she agreed on the spot.  She wanted to lose and lean up for the lazy, hazy days of summer, and with a blink of an eye, that time will be upon her and everyone.

I also, wanted her to start some target specific arm toning exercises.  Working on her triceps and biceps could also be addressed by doing some yoga poses.  She had always loved yoga, so again she agreed to start immediately.  I suggested downward and upward dog as well as plank position—gradually working up to two minutes a day.  These exercises are excellent for leaning any women’s peri-menopausal arms—for sure. Now, I am not a personal trainer or a yoga instructor; however, I have always been active and doing some form of exercise (dance being my favorite).

She just needed some direction, encouragement, and guidance—don’t we all? With the combination of targeted exercise and the Skinny Jeans Program, she’ll be exuding a healthy glow when she puts her bathing suit on in a few weeks.

Skinny Jeans Contest – Tell us your Best Story

I was just telling my sister about the new group program I am getting started in May. She asked me how in the world I can get all this done—do you sleep? I, know she should know this, since she’s known me all my life.  However, frankly, I can’t completely remember her sleep habits; although, I remember her being somewhat of a night owl.  Great pattern for a freelance editor.

Anyway, back to the new group Skinny Jeans program. I have started a contest. I want to hear and see the best video story of “I can’t fit into my Skinny Jeans.”  Yes, I want you to send me your best and we will post on Twitter and Facebook, and take a vote. The best will win a complimentary place in our Invitation Only “Skinny Jeans Group” launch in May. You have until Monday, May 4th, to submit your best story—believe me I am looking forward to hearing your best stories!