Archive for Skinny Jeans – Page 2

Do You Want to be Skinny or Healthy?

What a loaded question – right?  Is this a tough question for you to answer?  Well, the correct answer is – both. However, I want
to qualify this answer as well – being “skinny” is not necessarily the best thing to be.  And it depends on what “skinny” means to each one of you reading.  Is it: “size minus”, “size comfortable”, “size when I was 16” or “size impossible”? 

Let’s break that down a bit.  Ten years ago I used to speak all over the country and had a talk entitled “Weight Loss – What’s the Mystery?”  My tagline was “When it comes to Weight Loss let your Jeans be YOUR Guide!”  And of course my brand has evolved since then, now it’s called “The Skinny Jeans Weight Loss Program”.  And as you probably know by now the “Skinny” in “Skinny Jeans” is more of a state of mind and an attitude rather than just simply fitting into and wearing the now popular “skinny jeans” style of jeans.

In the Monika world of weight loss “Skinny” means feeling good about yourself which includes having the utmost health and wellbeing possible!  A strong statement and certainly attainable and sustainable.  You must commit to yourself wholeheartedly if you want to have the healthy body, mind and life you want.  You must – it’s the only way.  Too many people fool themselves into believing there’s a quick fix to having the trim body they are seeking – not you – right?  As one of my clients and/or readers by now you certainly know it takes a concerted effort to have the results you want.  Prayer, visualization or meditation is good but you also need to take action to achieve your desired result.  You have to learn how to take control of you life, take action and make your health a priority rather than just fitting into a smaller size.  Whether its baby steps or leaps, you need help – there’s no getting around that.  We all do!

I have seen so many bright, beautiful women cheating themselves into believing they don’t need any help.  You may be thinking you can be more like a man and “do it all by myself”. Here’s a secret – I help men, too.  Many times men have an easier time of taking the weight off on their own simply because they have more muscle than women – but often they struggle as well.  This added advantage of “fat burning” muscle doesn’t necessarily preclude them from needing some coaching. Women on the other hand need additional support wanting to talk things out helps them process their inner feelings – a very real part of a women’s make-up  needing to be honored at all times. You want to feel heard, nurtured, special and connected.  What an absolutely great gift to give to yourself as you get “skinnier” and “healthier” all at the same time!

Be good to yourself as you get closer to your very own “Skinny, Health-ville”!

Are You Playing Your Own Hunger Games?

No, I’m not talking about the popular movie out right now although the title of this article was inspired by the movie of the same name.  But that’s as far as the similarity goes.

This wellness writing has more to do with how you can seriously fool yourself into thinking even though you have health challenges with symptoms like headaches, digestive upset, sleepless nights, or weight gain you believe nothing is wrong.  That you don’t have a problem – that all is well, but really it isn’t, but you are choosing to either ignore it or are perhaps too afraid to make changes.

Here are the 5 Common Ways You May be Playing Games with Your Eating Habits and 5 Easy Solutions:

Common Way#1  Costs more to Eat Healthy: It actually doesn’t.  Eating a diet filled with primarily quality protein, fresh fruits and vegetables is less expensive than eating packaged foods or dashing through the fast food line. Also, because these foods tend to be lacking in any real nutrition you often feel more hungry and tend to eat more of it.  Solution: Shop at farmer’s markets, ethnic grocery stores (tend to be less expensive) or, even better yet, grow your own.

Common Way#2  I’ll take care of this later: Guess what – later never comes.  A year from now – 5 years from now everything remains the same. All your hopes for a healthy life, body and/or mind are gone.  You get comfortable in your discomfort about your body with all its lumps and bumps, aches and pains – this is now your normal. You give up and may even catch yourself saying “hey I can try starting again on Monday”.  But unfortunately your plans for Monday end up being a fantasy as well.  Solution:  Just do it.  I know, easier said than done.  But you need to start.  You don’t need to be perfect, it only takes just one small step towards your healthier future. Don’t allow yourself to put it off any longer.

Common Way#3  I need Starch in Every Meal: A perfectly balanced meal does not have to have a potato, rice or beans included. These starchy food items may “fill you up” but that doesn’t necessarily mean you are nourished.  You may have a hard time utilizing the additional carbohydrates found in these starches causing blood sugar issues, which inevitably causes weight gain or an inability to take weight off.  Solution: You can feel nourished by simply having a piece of salmon with asparagus and a green salad.  Or try 2 or 3 high water content vegetables with your protein – chard, broccoli and summer squash for example.

Common Way#4  No meal is complete without dessert: Most of you grew up with that habit deeply entrenched into your mealtime traditions.  And what does dessert usually consist of? It  is usually sweet, gooey and highly caloric.  Psychologically you may feel you deserve this “treat” after the hard day you just had.  I strongly advise that you avoid using food as a reward – it’s a bottomless pit where you may end up using that excuse every chance you get.  Solution:  Why not try a piece of cheese with fruit or 1 tbsp of Almond Butter – these food choices will leave you satisfied and less susceptible to uncontrollable sugar cravings.

Common Way#5  TV & Snacking Just Goes Together: Well that’s a big one for so many people.  You automatically pull out the popcorn, chips, candy bar or ice cream when tube gets turned on.  Its so natural.  Just like when you go to the movies of course you have to have the popcorn, soda and junior mints – they just go together like 4th of July and Mom’s Apple Pie.  Just because that’s what others do and have done for “eternity” doesn’t mean it’s good for you or that it can’t be changed.  Breaking these cultural food habits takes a little work but can be accomplished when you set your mind to it.  Solution:  Have a cup of tea instead of the munchies when watching your favorite Reality Show or Drama.  If you must eat something – limit yourself to say 10 almonds.  But before you start eating anything check in with yourself – are you really physically hungry or are you emotionally hungry as in bored, stressed or anxious.  If you slow down enough to ask yourself this question your “hunger” will usually disappear on its own.

Using some of these solutions I provided here for you will help you stop playing games with your hunger – I have no doubt.

Want to Get Your Skinny On?

Is this really what it’s all about?  It’s seldom about what you are eating but more about what’s eating you.  Once you tackle and conquer this piece you will be well on your way to ultimate health, weight maintenance and happy days ahead.   Ok – I don’t want to convince you about life being perfect when you get here – to your ideal weight that is – it never is and never will be but you can get closer to feeling and being healthier if you get to the root of your hazardous eating habits.

I must admit – I am not perfect!  There I’ve said it – I struggle with sugar cravings maybe as much as you do. I am not as consistent with my exercise as I’d like to be. I sometimes do not get 6-9 servings of fruits and vegetables into to my diet on a daily basis.  I am not perfect nor do I want you to be either.  I do, however, want you to strive to make healthier choices – that is my mission – it’s my Skinny Jeans Mission.

Speaking of which – I have been on the hunt for the Most Flattering Skinny Jeans for my body. Just like you I Want to Get my Skinny On, too!  And since it’s my brand I NEED to Get my Skinny On (and keep it on)– and quickly before Bathing Suit season strikes.

I do not own a pair of Skinny Jeans and even though the Skinny Jeans Weight Loss Programs have never been about Skinny Jeans but rather about YOU fitting into YOUR Jeans – you know the ones you once wore when you were thinner. But let’s take it even a step further – this is not just about your Jeans but really it’s been about YOU Fitting into Your Life.  My program name just happened to coincide with the recent Skinny Jeans trend.

But back to my hunt for my perfect Skinny Jeans – it’s been a struggle.  The legs are too tight or the waist is too big – a dilemma – anyone else finding this to be true?

I have been told by women who want to lose 50 or more lbs that the thought of wearing a pair Skinny Jeans is a joke – something they can’t fathom or imagine putting on.  I will say this loudly and proudly Women over 50 lbs or over 50 years old can and should feel beautiful in their body and find a pair of jeans they feel comfortable in and look good in.

Here are the 5 Skinny Jean Truths to Consider:

Skinny Jean Truth #1 – Don’t Be afraid To Try them On:  As is everything in life – don’t be afraid to try something new.  Stretch a little (and make sure your Skinnies have stretch, too!).  You will never know until you jump in.  I realized this Truth during the past few weeks while embarking on my Skinny Jeans Treasure Hunt.  I really hadn’t been looking for these types of Jeans recently but now I was curious – how would I look in a pair? In my mind I had a vague memory of wearing Skinny Jeans before circa late 80’s, early 90’s. Remember them along with leggings?…who would have thought…Go ahead have fun with them.  The worst that can happen is they don’t fit.  Just like trying on a new habit – don’t be afraid to try it on for size.

Skinny Jean Truth #2 – Invite a Friend:  Playing with clothes is fun with a friend.  Whether you are doing retail therapy or finding new ways of putting existing things you already own together in your closet.  Also, doing a Healthy Eating Weight Loss Program is also better with a buddy.  If your spouse is supporting you by joining you – your efforts will be much more easily rewarded and results will soon be visible for both of you.  You won’t need to battle with someone bringing tempting foods into the house – you’ll both be on the same page with your plates.

Skinny Jean Truth #3  YOUR Jeans may be another’s Nightmare:  Do not compare yourself to anyone else.   This will make you crazy and very unhappy.  Someone will always have less weight to lose, be a much smaller size, able to eat more or eat things you can’t.  Or maybe they don’t even need to lose weight. It’s just that way – we are all different and I want you to respect your uniqueness.  Know that your timeline is different, your genes are different and your background and experience is different – honor it!

Skinny Jean Truth #4  All Jeans lead to Rome:  If you put one foot in front of the next – you will eventually get to where you want to go.  If you expect overnight success with your weight loss efforts or healthy eating regimen – you may be disappointed.  You must do what it takes and You MUST take one step, then the next – each step builds onto the next. And then before you know it – Voila – you are there!  You have lost the weight, you are now eating 5-9 fruits and vegetables per day and you’re going to the gym every other day.  The first sign you’ve arrived at this point is that you feel something’s missing if you don’t do this new lifestyle habit.  And who knows maybe you’ll be in Rome buying your New Jeans.  Well, maybe…

Skinny Jean Truth #5  Find a Transition Jean:  When losing weight – slowly but surely – don’t deprive yourself.  Please don’t think of eating healthfully with quality proteins, good fats and fruits and vegetables as deprivation.  This is the way you should eat for optimal health.  As is with your eating, stop the deprivation mindset and buy yourself a few new things – like a pair of jeans – as you start to lose weight.  For example: if you have 50 lbs to lose – buy a new pair at the 25 lbs weight loss mark.  I suggest treating yourself half way to your goal.

Want to Fit Into Those Skinny Jeans this Fall?

It can be done.  It’s seldom about what you are eating but more about what’s eating you.  Once you tackle and conquer this piece you will be well on your way to ultimate health, weight maintenance and happy days ahead.   Ok – I don’t want to convince you about life being perfect when you get to your ideal weight. It never is and never will be but you can get closer to feeling and being healthier if you get to the root of your hazardous eating habits.

I must admit – I am not perfect!  There I’ve said it – I struggle with sugar cravings maybe as much as you do. I am not as consistent with my exercise as I’d like to be. I sometimes do not get 6-9 servings of fruits and vegetables into to my diet on a daily basis.  I do my utmost, however, to live a healthy life and make healthy choices as much as possible. I am not perfect nor do I want you to think you need to be either.  I do, however, want you to strive to make healthier habits – that is my mission – it’s my Skinny Jeans Mission.

To let you know when I last wrote about getting into your Skinny Jeans I didn’t own a pair of the “Skinnies” but since then I did purchase not one but 2 pairs of Skinny Jeans.  Even though the Skinny Jeans Weight Loss Programs™  have never been about “Skinny Jeans” but rather about YOU fitting into YOUR Jeans – you know the ones you wear when you feel thinner.  It just happened to coincide with the recent Skinny Jeans trend.  But let’s take it even a step further – this is not just about you fitting into your Jeans but more about YOU Fitting into Your Life.

I have been told by women who want to lose 50 or more lbs that the thought of wearing a pair Skinny Jeans is a joke – something they can’t fathom or imagine putting on.  I will say this loudly and proudly Women over 50 lbs or over 50 years old can and should feel beautiful in their body and find a pair of jeans they feel comfortable in and look good in.

Here Are 5 Skinny Jeans Truths To Consider:

Skinny Jean Truth #1 – Don’t Be afraid To Try them On:  As is everything in life – don’t be afraid to try something new. Stretch a little (and make sure your Skinnies have stretch, too!).  You will never know until you jump in.  I realized when I looked for my own Skinny Jeans I was curious as to how would look in them. Initially there was a bit of trepidation but I soon realized if I didn’t try them on I’d never really know.  So go ahead have fun with them.  The worst that can happen is they don’t fit.  Just like trying on a new habit – don’t be afraid to try it on for size.  And hopefully if it’s a healthy one it’ll stick with you for good.

Skinny Jean Truth #2 – Invite a Friend:  Playing with clothes can be fun if done with a friend.  Whether you are doing retail therapy or finding new ways to put together existing items in your closet.  Doing a Healthy Eating Weight Loss Program is also better with a buddy, too.  Or better yet with your spouse.  If your spouse is supporting you by joining you – your efforts will be much more easily rewarded and results will soon be visible for both of you.  You won’t need to battle with someone bringing tempting foods into the house – you’ll both be on the same page and your plates will reflect that.

Skinny Jean Truth #3 – YOUR Jeans may be another’s Nightmare:  Do not compare yourself to anyone else.   This will make you crazy and very unhappy.  Someone will always have less weight too lose, be a much smaller size, able to eat more or eat things you are not able to.  Or maybe your friend, sister or a co-worker doesn’t even need (or want) to lose weight. We are all different with different needs, wants and desires – respect your uniqueness.  Know that your timeline maybe different, or your genes, background, experience or whatever may be different – honor that about yourself!

Skinny Jean Truth #4 – All Jeans Can Lead YOU to Rome:  If you put one foot in front of the next – you will eventually get to where you want to go.  If you expect overnight success with your weight loss efforts or healthy eating regimen – you may be dissapointed.  You must do what it takes and You MUST take just one step, then the next – each step builds from the one previously.

And then before you know it – Voila – you are there – into your Skinny Jeans!  You have lost the weight, you now eating 5-9 fruits and vegetables per day and you’re going to the gym or exercising in some form every other day.  An important first sign that tells that you’ve arrived  is when you feel something’s missing in your life if you don’t eat right or miss out out on another healthy new lifestyle habit.  And who knows maybe you’ll be in Rome buying your New Jeans.  Well, maybe…

Skinny Jean Truth #5  Find a Transition Jean:  When losing weight – slowly but surely – don’t deprive yourself.  Please don’t think of eating healthfully with quality proteins, good fats and fruits and vegetables as deprivation.  This is the way you need to eat longterm for  optimal health.  As with eating, so too with buying yourself a few new things – like a pair of jeans. When you start to lose weight you’ll want to wear something that flatters you and makes you feel good as you lose your weight. For example: if you have 50 lbs to lose – buy a new pair at the 25 lbs weight loss mark.  I suggest treating yourself as you get to your half way mark to your goal.

Skinny Jeans Program and Downward Dog to the Rescue!

An old acquaintance of mine came into the office today and was upset summer was on it’s way.  She couldn’t bear the thought of bearing her arms in coming weeks as the weather got warmer and warmer.  She was so surprised that in just a few short years, since she turned 48 actually, her arms seemed like they didn’t belong to her anymore.  I told her to calm down and that I could and would easily help her with the painful new problem she now faced.  Of course, I encouraged her to start my Skinny Jeans Program right away—she agreed on the spot.  She wanted to lose and lean up for the lazy, hazy days of summer, and with a blink of an eye, that time will be upon her and everyone.

I also, wanted her to start some target specific arm toning exercises.  Working on her triceps and biceps could also be addressed by doing some yoga poses.  She had always loved yoga, so again she agreed to start immediately.  I suggested downward and upward dog as well as plank position—gradually working up to two minutes a day.  These exercises are excellent for leaning any women’s peri-menopausal arms—for sure. Now, I am not a personal trainer or a yoga instructor; however, I have always been active and doing some form of exercise (dance being my favorite).

She just needed some direction, encouragement, and guidance—don’t we all? With the combination of targeted exercise and the Skinny Jeans Program, she’ll be exuding a healthy glow when she puts her bathing suit on in a few weeks.

Skinny Jeans Contest – Tell us your Best Story

I was just telling my sister about the new group program I am getting started in May. She asked me how in the world I can get all this done—do you sleep? I, know she should know this, since she’s known me all my life.  However, frankly, I can’t completely remember her sleep habits; although, I remember her being somewhat of a night owl.  Great pattern for a freelance editor.

Anyway, back to the new group Skinny Jeans program. I have started a contest. I want to hear and see the best video story of “I can’t fit into my Skinny Jeans.”  Yes, I want you to send me your best and we will post on Twitter and Facebook, and take a vote. The best will win a complimentary place in our Invitation Only “Skinny Jeans Group” launch in May. You have until Monday, May 4th, to submit your best story—believe me I am looking forward to hearing your best stories!