Archive for Diet – Page 3

Hoping For a Miracle to Your Weight Loss Challenge?

It can be daunting. You’ve tried everything.  You lose, you gain, you lose, you gain. It’s a nightmare –right?  But it doesn’t have to be that way. Keeping yourself in the zone of let’s call it “Weight Awareness” doesn’t need to be a full time job. However, only thinking about making changes and never actually taking the first step will keep you more in “Weight Denial” Zone for awhile than anything else. So how can you become more aware and realistic and less frightened or paralyzed?

Here are 5 “Miracles” for You to Consider:

Miracle # 1  There are no Miracles.  It’s as simple as that.   Real change requires effort, commitment and trust in the process and in yourself. You may not see results right away, but when you put one foot in front of the other and do what it takes on a daily basis, the results of all your effort is bound to show.  However, I must add, that if you’ve been at it for awhile trying to lose weight and are not making headway, it’s time to consult a professional.

Miracle # 2  Realistic Dreaming is Good for You:  Yes go ahead and imagine being healthy, lean and fit.  Studies show the powerful effects of visualization in   achieving any goal.  In your mind’s eye you can see yourself energetic, fit and wearing clothes you love and dream of putting on someday.  Just like Olympic athletes – you can train your brain to think positive thoughts and allow yourself to emotionally experience a New You.


Miracle # 3  Think Opportunity Not Challenge: Your weight loss and healthy eating program can be a wonderful adventure into self realization.  Most people enter a “diet” with trepidation and not excitement.  Try and change your thinking, suspend all judgment and just go for it.  Whatever you are doing is better than doing zero, unless of course it’s downright unhealthy, unsound and unproven.

Miracle # 4  One Small Step:  No leaps required.  The slower and more aware you are in your Weight Loss Journey the better.  Don’t think of this as “oh in a few weeks or months I’ll weigh such and such”.  Think more long term – how will I feel and look in a year or two. Think one meal at a time if you need to.

Miracle # 5   Being Healthy is Never Done:  It is a practice of being healthy, not a one time event.  So keep at it – there are no failures. You are never done – this is a lifelong process – so enjoy it – there’s no hurry!

Are You Afraid to Eat That?

You may have gotten to the point where you just don’t know what the best thing for you to eat really is.  There are so many food philosophies; yes I call them philosophies, out there that you’re just not sure where to turn for the best advice.

Well, if you aren’t working with a professional right at the moment, figuring it out on your own could be a challenge.  You wonder “how much protein is actually healthy for me?”  You ask: “Doesn’t high protein and especially saturated fat cause heart disease?”  “Wouldn’t a vegetarian or even a vegan diet a la “Forks over Knives” method work the best for me?” you inquire. “How about all the genetically modified stuff out there – how do I know if my family’s safe?” you ask. And if you’re gluten free you want to know “What can I have instead of gluten?” So many questions and so paths to entertain.

Everyone is unique.  My husband has Kidney Disease and can’t eat greens, nuts, cheese, most fruits, potatoes and several other seemingly healthy foods, but for him those foods aren’t healthy ones.  They elevate his potassium and phosphorous which can have extreme consequences for him.  But if you’re relatively healthy, these kinds of foods are excellent to help maintain good health.

But let’s face it – it’s all very confusing.  Being too rigid is not a solution. There is a condition called Orthorexia, like anorexia it is a serious eating disorder. Orthorexics are so rigid with their healthy eating regimen that they become overly obsessed to an extreme. Unlike anorexia, those with orthorexia do eat but are so fanatically focused on only eating healthy that no food considered unhealthy passes their lips. Even though this is a serious illness, recovery is possible.

So how can you be OK with what’s available and what you put on your plate?

Here are 5 Tips to Help You Be Unafraid of Your Food Choices: 

Tip #1  Relax:  No need to get upset if you happen to eat something that is less than healthy every once in awhile.  Everyone faces this dilemma and we’re often tempted more that we’d like to admit. If you can make healthy food choices 70-80% of the time you’ll be in good shape.  Remember this is never about being perfect but about being healthy.

Tip #2  There is no BAD Food:  Labeling food good or bad can pose a problem.  As I mentioned my husband can’t have greens yet greens are something I recommend all the time to my clients and readers. It’s not good for him but for nearly everyone else greens are good.  Using the word BAD to describe a food can make it emotionally charged and a huge negative punch to your psyche. This association leaves you feeling guilty, miserable and more susceptible to reaching for those types of commonly considered “bad” foods over and over again, especially when things go wrong in your life. A better categorization for food might be: those that nourish and give energy and those that make you not feel good, create symptoms and deplete you of vitality.

Tip #3  Check the Labels:  Even though I encourage you to primarily choose real, whole, fresh foods without labels, sometimes you can’t avoid it.  Make sure the packaged foods you are choosing are GMO free and don’t contain highly modified corn or soy ingredients.  Stay away from unhealthy syrups and sweeteners as well, they are first off  artificial or secondly toxic and you wouldn’t want either in your tummy.

Tip #4  Ask your waiter/waitress or grocer:  If you have any doubt about what’s in the dish you’re ordering tonight for dinner – ask. No need to feel embarrassed or feel like you’re  causing a scene. You don’t need to have a food allergy in order to gain permission for a query. Most restaurants nowadays have become quite used to the more educated consumer wanting to know more about what they are putting into their mouths.

Restaurants have become quite adept at answering most questions the diner has.  Even your grocer is there to help. If you’re uncertain about something, do ask. Also, if your local grocery store doesn’t carry some of your favorite healthy foods, ask them to either stock it or special order it for you.  They’ll be happy to do so and keep you as their loyal customer.

Tip #5 Drop the Jitters: No need to go overboard about the food you eat.  Every food you consume does not have to be gluten, dairy or whatever “free”. Remain calm and do your best to enjoy your meals, savor every morsel and if you don’t like it don’t eat it. Unless you, of course, are more accustomed to eating only junk food, greasy burgers and fries – your palate then needs to be trained for healthier fare. Food should taste good all on its own without the need for sauces, dressings or extra salt.  Whole, fresh food has so much inherent flavor and goodness in it.  Give yourself time to experience the true JOY OF EATING!

Eating Light

The Sun Season is upon us. Here in Southern California where early March or mid December can also bring balmy 90 degree weather; it is sometimes hard to distinguish summer from any other season.  We therefore need to be even more diligent on how to take care of ourselves with heat and sun beating down upon us throughout the year.    Summer is definitely a time to shed clothes, and for some also shedding some pounds as well. This bathing suit season prompts us to get our bodies in tip top shape which means eating right and exercising appropriately.  Many come to see me for my successful weight loss programs throughout the year but I especially have a surge this time of year.  Getting into those shorts, skirts and bathing suits can certainly be a big motivator to lose those extra 5 or 10 or more.

Eating Light 

There are so many fresh great foods that you can enjoy at this time of year.  Fresh fruits and vegetables are chockfull of nutrients.  Here in Southern California, we are very lucky to be able to pick so many fresh fruits and vegetables from the vine, tree or ground – some all year round.  Daily fresh salads are  a big favorite summer fare for many.  Fill your salad with a wide array of fresh garden vegetables not just lettuce – add some fresh tomatoes, fresh herbs, cucumber or radishes.  One of my all time favorites in Greek Salad with tomatoes, cucumber, red onions and kalamata olives.  I even like to top it off with walnuts for an extra crunch and add an olive oil and apple cider vinegar or balsamic dressing.  This salad is so refreshing – just the thing for a hot summer day or evening.

Summer is also a very social time of year – more family get-togethers and vacations.  You may run the risk of putting on some weight if you over indulge – so stick with lighter meals. Visit your local farmers markets where you will find all the vegetables you can imagine.  Or even better still plant a garden filled with vegetables and herbs and you are set for many months to come. Even though the U.S. government’s 2005 dietary guidelines indicate four-and-a-half cups of fruits and vegetables each day, I recommend you increase it to 6-8 ½ cups each day.   Add some vegetables to every meal they will give you even more anti-oxidant and phyto-nutrient “Omph” throughout your day.   All fruits and vegetables are good sources of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber.

Here are some examples

Oh those Yummy Tomatoes and Peppers Who can resist a juicy summer tomato – loaded with Vitamin A, C and Lycopene.  Lypcopene from cooked tomatoes has shown to help with prostate health.  Recent research indicates that lycopene also reduces the LDL “bad” cholesterol therefore making it a heart healthy nutrient.  All peppers contain the antioxidant beta carotene which is powerful immune booster.  Both tomatoes and pepper are high in vitamin C.

Those Little Bundles of Goodness – Berries!

We hear so much about the importance of berries these days – blueberries, raspberries, cherries, blackberries, boysenberries and the list goes on.  They satisfy your sweet tooth and are rich in nutritional bonuses, such as vitamin C.  In fact, strawberries have the highest amount of vitamin C of the berry family.  Berries by their very nature have skins that protect the vulnerable fruit inside from damage, sun radiation and infection.  This gives them incredible antioxidant protection for those who consume them.  With their high fiber content, berries also very helpful in lowering cholesterol.

Smoothies for Everyone!

To eliminate the need to overindulge in ice cream when it’s too hot – how about something less caloric and very nutritious.  Try a smoothie – add some yogurt, ¼ banana, some berries and a couple of scoops of high quality protein powder and – Voila – a wonderfully rich, creamy, fruity and cold beverage to satisfy your summertime cravings.  You can even add a few nuts or nut butter i.e. almond or peanut butter to give additional flavor, a little crunch and some added nutrient value.  Make sure you use a plain yogurt without additional fruit on the bottom which usually contains more sugar than you need.  Of course a good yogurt will also give you those extra good bugs that help your immune system stay healthy.

No Fooling Yourself… The 5 Myths Behind Think and Grow Thin

Nice idea  – wouldn’t it be great to just think yourself thin?  I don’t think we are that evolved yet to actually manifest this – we need to take action – so many of us don’t know what to do or maybe we actually do know what to do but simply can’t do it for one reason or another.

Myth #1 – you really can be thin and healthy without exercise or how about the opposite – you can be thin and healthy only with exercise and get away with eating whatever you want. Wrong – both matter when it comes to sustaining health – long term.

Myth #2 – Eat small portions. That’s half right – but if you are only eating carbohydrates in those small portions – well that can be a problem. If that is what you are doing then you will never be able to maintain your weight loss as you have lost muscle and not actual fat.  You want to lose weight in the form of fat loss.

Myth #3 – My husband or wife likes me just the way I am and if I change they will feel uncomfortable.  This is often a true hard fact that those close don’t really want us to change because they will have to change as well – or so they think.  However, this is no reason to refrain from going after what you want – ever.

Myth #4 – At social functions in order not to insult the host I must eat what they serve – everything and all of it!  They may not invite me back or what will they think of me?  Fear of loss of a friendship or family relationship can be an interesting motivator to do the wrong thing for yourself.  If your loved ones are thinking this –maybe your relationship might need a little improvement in honest communication.

Myth #5 – I need to eat packaged foods because I’m not a cook.  You don’t need to be Julia Child – you can eat clean, wholesome and fresh very easily – and I do mean easily.   Here’s an idea – some chicken or fish with steamed broccoli and carrots and a small green salad with pine nuts and red peppers – easy – right?

Many myths to be busted …stay tuned for more…

Can Your Kitchen Be Your Pharmacy?

I have written in the past about Hippocrates the Father of Medicine’s famous words “Let Your Food Be Your Medicine”, but I want to take it even further and make such a bold declaration practical for you.

As well as making your food be your medicine you can also make your Kitchen Your Pharmacy as well as your food be your medicine.  By giving the foods you choose to nourish your mind, body and spirit the utmost respect they deserve there’s a good chance you’ll maintain your health for a very long time.

I was inspired to write this article because of an unusual dish my husband created over the weekend – we called it “Watermelon Salad”.  I posted the concoction on Facebook and got some interesting responses.  Yes – a Watermelon Salad is a strange but delicious combination of delicate flavors (see recipe below).

So what’s in your Kitchen?  Is it filled with healing ingredients?  A good clue in answering that question would be asking yourself how comfortable you’d be if I were to come over for a Kitchen Inventory er… I mean a Visit…

If you’re shaking in your stilettos or adidas right now, there’s probably a good chance your kitchen isn’t quite up to snuff even by your standards.

So here are a few tips to help you in advance –
before I come over for that Kitchen “Visit”:

Tip #1  Is Your Crisper Empty?:  If its empty that’s a good sign that it’s time to go shopping.  Your crisper should be brimming full of fresh produce and not be a “science project” as a friend of mine used to call her aging vegetables supply.  Make sure you rotate your vegetables and try and use as many of them on a daily basis.  If you are lucky enough to have an extra fridge in your garage like we do – you can store some of you fruits there.  I store my extra grapefruits, apples and oranges there.  They last longer than vegetables usually, so I stock up on them and keep them separate. One of my favorite mottos is: Veggies are your Best Friends! I hope it becomes one of yours, too.

Tip # 2  Salt is not a Spice:  If you are needing to refill your salt shaker every week there’s definitely something wrong.  Salt should only be used when cooking to bring out the natural flavor of food not to cover it up.  NaCl (Sodium Chloride) or table salt is not a natural food item.  Even if you are using sea salt, remember to use it sparingly – a dash is all you need.

If you want added flavor start incorporating real spices and herbs into your cooking instead.  Fresh basil is wonderful and has a calming effect on the mind.  Cinnamon isn’t only added into desserts – it can be added to savory dishes as well.  It adds interest to a dish and it’s also beneficial for balancing blood sugar.  And for those brave souls – I am one of them – curry or turmeric is an excellent spice adding pungency and heat to a meal.  These 2 are known to help reduce inflammation in the body, clear up sinuses and aid digestion.  Experiment and start slowly when adding new spices and herbs to your food.

Tip #3  Ever Heard of Therapeutic Vinegar?  Well there are culinary vinegars like balsamic, red wine vinegar and a myriad of gourmet combinations.  But one hails as a therapeutic vinegar and that’s  Apple Cider Vinegar. When my clients work with me Apple Cider Vinegar is usually something I recommend they start using immediately and often on a daily basis.  They report that it has a sort of cleansing effect on them.  It is well researched that for most people it helps with their digestion.  Unless you are suffering from digestive inflammation due to an ulcer or gastritis Apple Cider Vinegar is safe, tasty and an effective digestive balancer.

Tip # 4  It’s Not Only the Food:  Not only is what you eat important, but how you eat is equally if not more important.  If you are eating your meals standing up, in a rush, washing your food down with liquids, in a heated conversation – all of these activities will have a serious effect on how well you break down the foods you are consuming.  The more stressful your environment, the less beneficial your meal.

Stress will increase cortisol, decrease proper digestive function and impair how important nutrients get absorbed. Without these nutrients you will not be feeling good for long.  Make your meal environment as stress free as possible.  Believe me, it matters. I have seen many of my clients suffering from all sorts of digestive discomfort, and by doing this simple fix they actually become more relaxed, healthier and happier.

Tip # 5   Overhaul the Bags and Boxes:  If you have a predominance of bags and boxes in your pantry or cupboards it’s time to haul them out and give them away.  Let’s face it, most of the foods found in these types of packages are usually not fresh or wholesome.  Unless they are nuts and seeds – which should probably be stored in your fridge not in your cupboards – they are most likely snack foods loaded with either sugar, gluten grains or some other synthetic ingredient which is not healthy for you or your family.

Not only should your Kitchen Be Your Pharmacy filled with healing foods and beverages, but your food should come from the garden, trees or vines –  from nature in general.  That’s the secret to making  Your Kitchen and Your Body Healthy for a long time.

Here’s my husband’s “Watermelon Salad”… Ever thought that watermelon couldn’t be heated well think again…

Watermelon Salad

Grill ½ c onions

Add  2 cups fresh watermelon

Add ¼ cup dried cranberries

Add ¼ c. pine nuts

Cook for about 15 minutes

Add 1/2 c. cubed Feta Cheese

Cook for another 10 minutes

Let sit for a few minutes

Enjoy warm or cold

4 Simple Healthy Steps to Saving Time

In these times everyone wants, and perhaps needs to, save time and money – right?  Well, eating the way we recommend at Coaching For Health not only ensures better health, leaner bodies and loads of compliments but guarantees that you’ll save money and time as well.  As Olivia, a client of mine, once said “I have been able to save so much money these past 2 months by simply bringing my lunch to work and by not picking up unhealthy afternoon snacks from the vending machine – that I’ve actually saved enough money to go on a weekend trip to Catalina with friends.”  Or how about Vicky’s comments: “My husband and I stopped going out to restaurants – instead of 3x- /week it’s maybe once or twice and sometimes not at all!  I saved enough money to go on a shopping spree so I can buy some new clothes. Since I have gone down 2 dress sizes, I am rewarding myself in very different ways now.”

You see – eating within a caloric “budget” can prevent overeating or choosing the wrong things to eat.  Eating fresh, clean, whole and green just makes good sense and makes you feel so good about yourself.  I encourage you to try as much as possible to stay away from foods that come in bags, boxes and any other types of packaging as they will cost your waistline and your pocketbook much more in the long run.  There’s not a lot of nutritional value in packaged foods, unfortunately, certainly nothing like the value you would find in real whole foods.  Eating out less and eating at home more let’s you have more control over what and how much you eat.  I often here clients mention they eat less when they go out to dinner and more when they are at home.  And I also hear the exact opposite from others.  The bottom line is to identify your trigger foods and environments and then manage them appropriately and you may need expert help with this piece of puzzle.

Here are 4 Simple and Healthy ways to Save…

#1   Be good to yourself.  Don’t beat yourself up if you are not behaving perfectly – you were not put on this earth to be a robot and to do everything by the book.  You are here to experience, learn and to get comfortable with yourself and your own skin.  Being hard on yourself can waste valuable time and energy.  Eating balanced and healthy meals can actually help improve your self confidence and self esteem.

#2  Eat your greens. By this I mean – eating fresh fruits and vegetables – any and all are good for you!  Natural enzymes are still intact when you eat fresh and from local growers.  Visiting your local Farmers Markets or growing your own is also more cost effective and you will be benefiting from the rich inherent nutrients in the foods themselves.  It helps to maintain good health when you are getting the most out of what you are eating.

#3  Create a calm, peaceful and nurturing environment when eating. This may be a difficult feat in our fast paced world but it’s essential to at least attempt to eliminate as many distractions as possible when eating.  Turn off the TV, play beautiful music in the background, respect your food and give thanks.  I know, I know – not a simple feat – but allow me to plant some seeds for your next meal.  A relaxed environment will create better digestion and save on possible problems like acid reflux, overeating (and thus weight gain) and bloating.

#4  What about Vitamin L?  Yes, Vitamin Love absolutely but let’s not forget about the other Vitamin L – Laughter! An often overlooked health habit laughter is just plain good medicine for the body and soul and needs to be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle.  Debilitating diseases have often been eliminated due to this one simple ingredient.  Yes, laughing or lack of it can be a habit.  Finding things to make you laugh, be light and happy – it can be as economical as watching a funny movie on TV versus an intense crime filled drama!

It’s Ridiculous!

It’s ridiculous when you think about it!  All this time you may be thinking I don’t have any willpower, I’m a failure at eating properly, losing weight, staying away from the cookies, succumbing to my temptations – what’s wrong with me? You cry out!  Well, it may not be your entire fault.  Yes, that’s right.  Choosing the foods you do may seem like it’s always your choice.  But when you are experiencing some uncontrollable, addictive behavior, the foods that you are choosing may actually have a lot to do with your cravings.  You seem to start eating these forbidden foods and then you just can’t stop.

Unfortunately, the very nature of these types of foods is what prevents you from stopping.    The high sugar, high fat and high salt contained within most foods you purchase in packages or even in restaurants are inherently damaging to any concept of self control.  Remember the movie “Super Size Me”?  Again, the very nature of the food business is to you keep you hooked – so you eat more and eat more of the wrong, unhealthy, addictive items.  The portions add up and so does the frequency.

Eating cleanly and healthfully requires commitment and making the firm decision that you need help and are willing to do whatever it takes to stop this madness.  Here are some simple tips to get you started into Eating Sobriety, so to speak.

#1  Portion Size.  I know, it’s easier said than done.  It requires diligence and awareness.  It also requires you to slow down and taste the food you are eating.  Savor it and appreciate what this food is giving you.  Ask yourself – is this food giving me the Gift of Life?  If not, why would you eat this much of it or any of it all?  A profound question to ask yourself, which is not often asked before, during of after your meals.  But I would urge you to consider what and how much you are eating rather than being oblivious to what’s on your plate and subsequently in your stomach. Also, by not eating meals throughout the day, you are much more susceptible to overeating at any one meal.  So balance your blood sugar and eat your 3 main meals everyday.

 #2  Eat your Greens. I pride myself as being “Green”.  For years of course, I’ve been saying eat your greens.  But that’s not all – eat your reds, yellows, purples, blues, etc – you get the idea.  A whole and natural food, unless it has food dye in it, has an amazing, vibrant color.  Real food looks Real.  If its too bright, too intense – maybe an additive has been added – so avoid it altogether.  What creates the enticing and healthy color of foods are the rich natural pigments and various nutrients like flavenoids for example.

#3   For now, stay away from ALL Packaged Foods. As you get started in your journey of healthy eating stay away from all foods in bags, boxes and cans.  Reading labels can be confusing so to begin with, to make it easier, stay away from packaged foods.  And to let you know anything in bags and boxes is never really a true friend anyway.  They are usually filled with excessive calories and artificial ingredients that you just don’t need.  Choose fresh, real foods most, if not all of the time.

#4   Forgive yourself. Beating yourself up or letting others do it for you does not work – ever!  You are a good and well meaning person and deserve to be treated with the utmost respect.  Eating well and staying on track is a clear way of respecting yourself.  If you wander off track and find yourself wrapped up in some unhealthy habits – forgive yourself and start again.  It’s like learning to walk – see that you are making progress one step at a time and know that you will fall down on your way to integrating your new habits – it’s part of your growth – remember baby steps…

#5  Don’t be fooled – Stay Aware.  Denying something is happening will not be the best strategy for you.  Overlooking things you seriously say you want to change and postponing them will only keep you stuck and keep you in a perpetual state of disappointment and frustration. You will never take ownership of your wants and dreams and they will remain in the wishful thinking category of life.  It’s actually a great way to stay stuck and not take responsibility for an area of your life that is not working for you.  We can fool ourselves often – trying to protect ourselves, usually unconsciously, from taking a real hard look at ourselves and the lives we say we want but don’t believe we can have.

#6  Get help.  If you really want to accomplish something it’s worth getting the expert help you need.  Trying to build a house on your own, unless you are a contractor, is ridiculous.  Building a solid foundation filled with healthy, stable and long lasting habits requires a blueprint and someone to help you.  I have seen many over the last year or so try to accomplish their health and weight loss goals on their own.  I’m sorry to say, they have been unable to and remain the same a year later still frustrated and considering desperate measures to gain control of their eating.

#7  Step away from the Table. If your eating environment caused you to overeat change it.  Shake it up a bit and find a new place or ritual to help stop your associations with overeating or eating the wrong foods.  Whether it’s a place in your home or at work or your favorite restaurant – keep your eyes open for a reflex  behavior.   Remember you are attempting to change your behavior which means eliminating potential triggers that take you down the wrong path Remove the exterior stimulants that cause poor eating decision making.

Don’t Gain it Back

We have all seen many celebrities have problems with their weight – needing to stay in the greatest of shape and then just not being able to sustain it. Right before our eyes, on public display, they bare their souls about their struggles.  Many of us can identify and try as we might, this challenge becomes more and more daunting and difficult to conquer.

Here are five tips on how you can get it and keep it off.  Being able to wear your wardrobe easily – year after year. Let’s get you back into your Skinny Jeans and keep you there. Talk about true freedom!

Tip #1: Stay connected to the qualified professional who helped you lose the weight in the first place. It’s so important to have a strategy and surround yourself with the people who helped you become successful before. Let me be honest – it’s hard to sustain your good eating, exercise, and self care habits on your own. It just is!

We are constantly exposed to triggers in our environment that easily take us off track and distract us from taking care of ourselves. It’s important to have someone who can help you stay empowered, inspired, and successful for the long run.

Tip #2: Take things OFF your plate. This is especially true for you women reading or hearing this today. We women tend to overdo things and we feel virtuous and seemingly “guilt-free” by saying YES to everything and everyone. I encourage you to stop this habit as soon as possible. I have found the most successful people in my programs are those focused more on their wants and needs first, before focusing on what everyone else wants and needs – either in their personal or professional lives.

What happens is that when you are taking care of yourself, a miracle happens. Everyone else seems to be doing just fine and maybe even getting healthier as well. As you start to take better care of yourself, those close to you actually become inspired and start doing the same. Now there’s no guarantee this will happen; however, surprisingly, I see this happen a lot. So stop doing for everyone else, fixing everyone else’s problems, and start focusing on you. You owe it to yourself. Unless you are dealing with young children or elderly parents, everyone else can take care of themselves more than you think they can. Believe me, I see this happen everyday.

Tip #3: Make sure you reward yourself with things other than food or alcohol.  There are so many other, non-caloric, ways to give yourself a gift of appreciation for a job well done, or for something you’ve accomplished, a massage, a new scarf, a new belt, new piece of jewelry, going for a walk on the beach, a concert, a belly dancing class-why not?

I just started ballroom dancing myself, again (I tried it a couple of years ago). Even though I’d always taken dance classes most of my life, ballet, modern, jazz, and most recently hip-hop, which I loved (and didn’t think I would).  I thought I’d add some “new steps” to my repertoire. You know, learning a new activity is not only good for your waistline, but also for your mind and your confidence. So go ahead, give yourself a healthy reward. It’ll be satisfying in so many more ways than eating a bag of M&M’s.

Tip #4: Eat real, whole, and fresh foods as much as possible. They are loaded with the stuff you need and won’t leave you starving or feeling deprived because they are providing the nutrients you need to stay slim and healthy. I have never been a big fan of packaged, processed, or altered foods. There is not much to these bagged, boxed, and artificial foods, which I sometimes refer to as just “good tasting cardboard”, with the “good tasting” component being questionable of course.

The closer a food is to its natural state or as I always say, “closer to mother nature,” the better it is for you. You can’t derive much fuel for your mind and body from empty calories. Even if a whole food appears to have more calories like a sirloin steak, in comparison to a box of crackers you will always be further ahead with the real food versus the packaged one.

Consider staying away from packaged “diet foods” as eating these types of foods actually prevents you from learning how to cook healthy foods.  Often these pre-packaged foods are loaded with sodium and other additives. So think healthy, not necessarily quick fix.

Tip #5: Move. You need to move. There’s no getting around this. Find something that doesn’t feel like work but is loads of fun. As I just did with the ballroom dancing. Yes, that’s right – exercise can be fun (just like eating well can also be fun). Make a point of doing something everyday, even if just for 10 minutes.

You need to make this a habit. It’s good for your brain to help with stress reduction by taking a simple break in your day. Have things around that trigger you to move like the weights or pictures of you doing yoga. That is what I have on my Vision Board, which I get to look at every day. I also have a recumbent bike, free weights, ball and bands at home, and a beautiful neighborhood to take walks in if I choose to. Don’t just plan to go to the gym someday, take the first step and then stick with it. And also mix it up a bit. Don’t always do the same thing everyday. Try something new, so you can work different muscle groups and keep it interesting.

These are the tips that will keep you from heading down the same path that some famous people have gone down. Do these and you will always be in great shape-mind, body, and spirit!

Cleanse with Friends

Yes, it’s spring cleaning time – inside and out!  Just as everything in the universe freshens and lightens up – we, too can do the same!  When the seasons change it’s a perfect time to detoxify especially during spring or fall.  Giving our body a rest ensures that we will have more energy, better looking skin and remove any feelings of sluggishness or lethargy.  I call this article Cleanse with Friends – simply because it can often be easier to do this with a friend or spouse.

Let’s talk a little about the process…   

Three Steps to Detox
Detoxification regimens generally start with the liver, the body’s major detoxification organ. When the liver is working efficiently and effectively, other organs often follow suit. Once the detox process begins, digestion, brain function and other physiological processes also tend to work better.

The actual detoxification process is typically broken into three stages, varying in duration depending on the individual. The stages include:

1) The Elimination
The elimination process is the first step, and can begin if a person is relatively healthy and free of any serious chronic health conditions such as cancer, colitis, diabetes or heart disease. The elimination phase rids your diet of any potential food allergens such as wheat, dairy, soy.  We also will take coffee and other caffeinated beverages out of your diet for the period of the cleansing.

2) The Intensive
The intensive stage of this process comprises at least three days of drinking an alkaline or vegetable broth, eating non starchy steamed vegetables and also drinking a Detoxifying Formula which contains a powerful antioxidant called Glutathione. These alkalizing foods reduce acidity and inflammation. If you find yourself becoming hungry during this stage, nuts and seeds — such as almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds will be added to your program.  These additions are also alkalizing and usually non allergenic.

3) The Experimental
The experimental phase slowly reintroduces foods into your diet to see if they are tolerated. During a detoxification program, you may find yourself becoming more sensitive to certain foods. If a new food is introduced and if it triggers a reaction, it will once again be eliminated from the diet and added one or two weeks later to verify a food sensitivity or allergy. You often become more aware of the foods that are best for you and your behavioral addictions to certain foods during this period. This is the longest phase and often requires additional emotional support and education.

Eliminating the Toxins

Every person’s detoxification process is quite unique. Diet and the possible addition of antioxidants is only part of a mind and body detoxification. We often require to not only detoxify our bodies but also our minds from past behaviors that no longer serve us and may be very toxic.  An example would be such as remembering a bad childhood – where we get caught in never ending re-hashing of all the bad things that happened.  We forget the existence of even an ounce of goodness during that period. I often have clients re-write their childhood story and create a New Story.  This exercise alone tends to liberate my clients having them feel refreshed, lighter, brighter – having a new sense of hope about not only their future but also about where they came from.

One final comment about Detoxification 

Some people incorrectly believe that a detoxification program is a great way to lose weight. Most people do lose weight, but it is only temporary. Permanent weight loss requires a concerted lifestyle and dietary changes. Detoxification can, however, reduce and eliminate food cravings, reduce overall food consumption and make the body feel more functional, whole and balanced.

Be Healthy and Strong!

Let Food Be Your Medicine

Hippocrates, the father of Modern Day Medicine, said “Let Food Be Your Medicine”. I go a little further and add “Let Your Kitchen Be Your Pharmacy”.  We can’t deny the powerful effects of a healthy diet from reversing aging and the potential for disease, helping you think better, move better and ultimately feel better.  Drugs are not nourishing to the body, however healthy nutrients found in REAL foods and bio-available supplements are.  I am not saying that medicine isn’t necessary – surely they are in emergency situations and for those who are already suffering from a debilitating health condition.  But choosing a healthy diet is the key to a long and healthy life.

Here are 4 Simple Steps to Reversing Aging in your Body & Mind using Food:

1)    Choose fresh, whole foods – Stay away from cans, bags and boxes.  Foods closer to their Natural Form – those closest to Mother Nature are the real deal!  They have all the vital nutrients your body needs on a day to day basis.  Skip all the processed food today – they will only give you the  minimal amounts your body needs and more likely will rob you of what benefits you may have received, if any.

2)    A Calorie is Not a Calorie: OK – there is some confusion about this.  For years popular media, diets and general information has been overly focused on calories.  Calories are only a fraction of what comprises healthy eating and being overly focused on them can get in the way of choosing the right foods.  For example: a piece chocolate cake may have the same calories as say a piece of chicken, but they are completely opposite in their effects on your body.  The chicken is a great protein source giving your body necessary “information” to help you stay healthy and strong.  The chocolate cake on the other hand has very little “information” your body can use. It provides empty and/or negative calories, robbing you of your health and vitality.

3)    Vegetables are your Friends:  Yes, your Mom was right!  Even though when most of us grew up they didn’t taste as good as they do today – why because today they don’t need to be overcooked or come out of a can.  We have farmer’s markets, organic food stores, and we can even grow our own.  A dear friend told me the other week she happened to have a volunteer cherry tomato plant growing outside her apartment – she’s on the 2nd floor!  It’s a new version of Jack in the Bean Stock!  Good food can grow almost anywhere – take advantage.

4)   Don’t be shy about using Spices and Herbs.   Herbs and spices not only enhance the flavor of whole foods but many have therapeutic benefits.  Like Turmeric, often used in Indian Cooking, reduces inflammation in the body.  Ginger (gingerroot or powdered) has a myriad of health benefits – not only does it reduce inflammation it also helps with any congestion you may have as well as digestion.  Sip on some ginger tea when you have a sore throat or your stomach is upset – it works wonders!  Also, Cinnamon is known for balancing blood sugar. These are only a few examples.

5)    *Bonus* Stop skipping on the sleep – So, so, so important!  Although, not food I have to mention it because it does affect how you digest, process and utilize what you eat.  Without your body regenerating and getting sufficient rest you will suffer.  Without at least 7 hours of sleep your brain does not receive sufficient blood flow.  Your decision making ability, mental focus and physical coordination are affected.  And long term effects can be dramatic.

So go to Mother Nature and let her do her stuff!  Eat well, Live Well and YOU will Reap the Harvest!