Skinny Jeans Program and Downward Dog to the Rescue!

An old acquaintance of mine came into the office today and was upset summer was on it’s way.  She couldn’t bear the thought of bearing her arms in coming weeks as the weather got warmer and warmer.  She was so surprised that in just a few short years, since she turned 48 actually, her arms seemed like they didn’t belong to her anymore.  I told her to calm down and that I could and would easily help her with the painful new problem she now faced.  Of course, I encouraged her to start my Skinny Jeans Program right away—she agreed on the spot.  She wanted to lose and lean up for the lazy, hazy days of summer, and with a blink of an eye, that time will be upon her and everyone.

I also, wanted her to start some target specific arm toning exercises.  Working on her triceps and biceps could also be addressed by doing some yoga poses.  She had always loved yoga, so again she agreed to start immediately.  I suggested downward and upward dog as well as plank position—gradually working up to two minutes a day.  These exercises are excellent for leaning any women’s peri-menopausal arms—for sure. Now, I am not a personal trainer or a yoga instructor; however, I have always been active and doing some form of exercise (dance being my favorite).

She just needed some direction, encouragement, and guidance—don’t we all? With the combination of targeted exercise and the Skinny Jeans Program, she’ll be exuding a healthy glow when she puts her bathing suit on in a few weeks.

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