The Healing Power Of Your Kitchen

I have written in the past about Hippocrates the Father of Medicine’s famous words “Let Your Food Be Your Medicine”, but I want to take it even further and make such a bold declaration practical for you. As well as making your food be your medicine you can also make your Kitchen Your Pharmacy.  By giving your body foods to nourish and giving those…

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Is Your Food Safe?

It’s an issue of food safety with warm weather, staying at home more and perhaps having more food delivery the issue of food safety is a real one. I personally have had to deal with this recently. My husband, for reasons of convenience and necessity, relies on Meals on Wheels. He receives these meals daily, they are pureed and in…

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Are You Digesting That?

  Digestion is not the same as metabolism. You may think good metabolism means you don’t gain weight. Well maybe, if your body is breaking down the food you consume effectively. If that’s the case and you are making good food choices then you should be able to maintain a stable and good weight. Digestion is how your body breaks…

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How To Care For Another and Yourself

I won’t say caring for another while trying to take care of yourself is an easy task but it can be done. Our first priority is often focused on the other person especially if they are ill, elderly or very young. I have had to deal with taking care of my ill spouse for five years now. He is not…

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Watch Out For These 7 Mistakes

1) Eating too fast. This one can creep up on you. I grew up in a very large household so eating fast was a sure way to get your fair share as well as make room at the table. But you need to slow down. Slowing down aides your digestion by breaking down the food you just consumed properly, converting it into…

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Discover How to Change your Bad Habits Part II

  The brain wants everything to be efficient and automated The brain doesn’t want to have to go through a difficult mental process every time it decides to do something. The brain always asks “how fast can we do this?” Our routine needs to be dismantled to create a new habit You can’t just get rid of an old habit and…

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Discover How to Change Your Bad Habits Part I

Discover How to Change your Bad HabitsDo you suffer from any of these 10 most popular bad habits? 1)     Missing meals 2)     Snacking 3)     Getting hooked on sugar 4)     Eating too late at night 5)     Drinking enough water 6)     Not taking or forgetting to take your supplements 7)     Not getting enough sleep and going to bed too late 8)     No time to fit on exercise 9)     Can’t find the time…

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Immune Health 101

I have been receiving so many requests for information regarding immune health and stress management. To help you, I thought I would send you a few quick tips you could add to your day right away.  Here are 4 Quick Tips for Immune Health: SleepPoor sleep is linked to heart disease, diabetes, depression and obesity and will certainly have an effect an your immune system’s ability to function well. …

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How to Stay Grounded During This Trying Time

Here are some tips on how to ground yourself at this very challenging time: 1) Journaling. I get to anchor my thoughts and anxieties when I journal. So as to not have my thoughts all over the place, causing further wear and exhaustion, I write it all down. This helps me focus on what’s important even only for an hour…

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Wear Gloves for Health

All this news of my family’s health, the constant diligent care of my husband, and the barrage of news has, at times, left me feeling rather scattered and ungrounded. I thought of how I could manage these feelings and then share some solutions with you.I’ve been wearing gloves for five years now while taking care of my ailing husband. I have gradually had…

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