
I just recently read from the I Ching the following:

“Nourishment refers to more than a healthy diet. It is the care-giving function. Eating properly implies care for oneself; providing healthy meals in the home is a sign of caring for the family. The writer of a great book or composer of an inspiring piece of music also provides nourishment, by caring deeply about the quality of his or her work and offering it to the world.

We can know others by observing what they choose to nourish in their lives. Do they properly feed and develop their bodies? Do they cultivate their spirits, their intellects, their moral values? Do they nourish and care for those around them? If so, to whom do they devote their energies? The most successful people are temperate in eating and drinking, thinking and dreaming. They strengthen the world by nurturing everyone’s higher nature.

Pay heed to your thoughts and impulses, ignoring those that undermine a healthy and persevering attitude. A wise person is temperate in the consumption of food and drink, because to be otherwise only leads to discomfort; the fact that temporary pleasure may precede the discomfort does not influence the person of mature character. In the same way, be discriminating in your words and actions, lest a desire for temporary advantage lead you to cause pain for yourself or others. Enrich your character and you will naturally nourish everyone around you.”

Profound – isn’t it? I couldn’t have written this any better. I wanted to relay these ancient words of wisdom to you. I have often said that it’s not only what you eat but how you eat. How you prepare your foods, even in shopping for those items, will nourish your body, mind and soul. How soothing and comforting it is to slow down and sip a cup of tea – allowing yourself to relax for a brief moment – to collect yourself. Or even cutting up your refreshing watermelon. See the color and freshness and imagine how juicy and perfect it will taste! Or getting to bed a little earlier than normal – shutting off the computer long before bedtime – so your mind can be rested and ready to sleep versus being stimulated – that makes falling into a sound sleep much more difficult. How about the simple act of buying yourself some flowers? Or you can simply walk outside into your yard and cut a beautiful bunch of roses – there they will be for you to look at throughout your day … inhale their sweet scent.

I know you are probably getting the idea, right? Nurture, nourish and comfort your body, mind and spirit today, now …

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