Let Food Be Your Medicine

Hippocrates, the father of Modern Day Medicine, said “Let Food Be Your Medicine”. I go a little further and add “Let Your Kitchen Be Your Pharmacy”.  We can’t deny the powerful effects of a healthy diet from reversing aging and the potential for disease, helping you think better, move better and ultimately feel better.  Drugs are not nourishing to the body, however healthy nutrients found in REAL foods and bio-available supplements are.  I am not saying that medicine isn’t necessary – surely they are in emergency situations and for those who are already suffering from a debilitating health condition.  But choosing a healthy diet is the key to a long and healthy life.

Here are 4 Simple Steps to Reversing Aging in your Body & Mind using Food:

1)    Choose fresh, whole foods – Stay away from cans, bags and boxes.  Foods closer to their Natural Form – those closest to Mother Nature are the real deal!  They have all the vital nutrients your body needs on a day to day basis.  Skip all the processed food today – they will only give you the  minimal amounts your body needs and more likely will rob you of what benefits you may have received, if any.

2)    A Calorie is Not a Calorie: OK – there is some confusion about this.  For years popular media, diets and general information has been overly focused on calories.  Calories are only a fraction of what comprises healthy eating and being overly focused on them can get in the way of choosing the right foods.  For example: a piece chocolate cake may have the same calories as say a piece of chicken, but they are completely opposite in their effects on your body.  The chicken is a great protein source giving your body necessary “information” to help you stay healthy and strong.  The chocolate cake on the other hand has very little “information” your body can use. It provides empty and/or negative calories, robbing you of your health and vitality.

3)    Vegetables are your Friends:  Yes, your Mom was right!  Even though when most of us grew up they didn’t taste as good as they do today – why because today they don’t need to be overcooked or come out of a can.  We have farmer’s markets, organic food stores, and we can even grow our own.  A dear friend told me the other week she happened to have a volunteer cherry tomato plant growing outside her apartment – she’s on the 2nd floor!  It’s a new version of Jack in the Bean Stock!  Good food can grow almost anywhere – take advantage.

4)   Don’t be shy about using Spices and Herbs.   Herbs and spices not only enhance the flavor of whole foods but many have therapeutic benefits.  Like Turmeric, often used in Indian Cooking, reduces inflammation in the body.  Ginger (gingerroot or powdered) has a myriad of health benefits – not only does it reduce inflammation it also helps with any congestion you may have as well as digestion.  Sip on some ginger tea when you have a sore throat or your stomach is upset – it works wonders!  Also, Cinnamon is known for balancing blood sugar. These are only a few examples.

5)    *Bonus* Stop skipping on the sleep – So, so, so important!  Although, not food I have to mention it because it does affect how you digest, process and utilize what you eat.  Without your body regenerating and getting sufficient rest you will suffer.  Without at least 7 hours of sleep your brain does not receive sufficient blood flow.  Your decision making ability, mental focus and physical coordination are affected.  And long term effects can be dramatic.

So go to Mother Nature and let her do her stuff!  Eat well, Live Well and YOU will Reap the Harvest!

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