It’s Ridiculous!

It’s ridiculous when you think about it!  All this time you may be thinking I don’t have any willpower, I’m a failure at eating properly, losing weight, staying away from the cookies, succumbing to my temptations – what’s wrong with me? You cry out!  Well, it may not be your entire fault.  Yes, that’s right.  Choosing the foods you do may seem like it’s always your choice.  But when you are experiencing some uncontrollable, addictive behavior, the foods that you are choosing may actually have a lot to do with your cravings.  You seem to start eating these forbidden foods and then you just can’t stop.

Unfortunately, the very nature of these types of foods is what prevents you from stopping.    The high sugar, high fat and high salt contained within most foods you purchase in packages or even in restaurants are inherently damaging to any concept of self control.  Remember the movie “Super Size Me”?  Again, the very nature of the food business is to you keep you hooked – so you eat more and eat more of the wrong, unhealthy, addictive items.  The portions add up and so does the frequency.

Eating cleanly and healthfully requires commitment and making the firm decision that you need help and are willing to do whatever it takes to stop this madness.  Here are some simple tips to get you started into Eating Sobriety, so to speak.

#1  Portion Size.  I know, it’s easier said than done.  It requires diligence and awareness.  It also requires you to slow down and taste the food you are eating.  Savor it and appreciate what this food is giving you.  Ask yourself – is this food giving me the Gift of Life?  If not, why would you eat this much of it or any of it all?  A profound question to ask yourself, which is not often asked before, during of after your meals.  But I would urge you to consider what and how much you are eating rather than being oblivious to what’s on your plate and subsequently in your stomach. Also, by not eating meals throughout the day, you are much more susceptible to overeating at any one meal.  So balance your blood sugar and eat your 3 main meals everyday.

 #2  Eat your Greens. I pride myself as being “Green”.  For years of course, I’ve been saying eat your greens.  But that’s not all – eat your reds, yellows, purples, blues, etc – you get the idea.  A whole and natural food, unless it has food dye in it, has an amazing, vibrant color.  Real food looks Real.  If its too bright, too intense – maybe an additive has been added – so avoid it altogether.  What creates the enticing and healthy color of foods are the rich natural pigments and various nutrients like flavenoids for example.

#3   For now, stay away from ALL Packaged Foods. As you get started in your journey of healthy eating stay away from all foods in bags, boxes and cans.  Reading labels can be confusing so to begin with, to make it easier, stay away from packaged foods.  And to let you know anything in bags and boxes is never really a true friend anyway.  They are usually filled with excessive calories and artificial ingredients that you just don’t need.  Choose fresh, real foods most, if not all of the time.

#4   Forgive yourself. Beating yourself up or letting others do it for you does not work – ever!  You are a good and well meaning person and deserve to be treated with the utmost respect.  Eating well and staying on track is a clear way of respecting yourself.  If you wander off track and find yourself wrapped up in some unhealthy habits – forgive yourself and start again.  It’s like learning to walk – see that you are making progress one step at a time and know that you will fall down on your way to integrating your new habits – it’s part of your growth – remember baby steps…

#5  Don’t be fooled – Stay Aware.  Denying something is happening will not be the best strategy for you.  Overlooking things you seriously say you want to change and postponing them will only keep you stuck and keep you in a perpetual state of disappointment and frustration. You will never take ownership of your wants and dreams and they will remain in the wishful thinking category of life.  It’s actually a great way to stay stuck and not take responsibility for an area of your life that is not working for you.  We can fool ourselves often – trying to protect ourselves, usually unconsciously, from taking a real hard look at ourselves and the lives we say we want but don’t believe we can have.

#6  Get help.  If you really want to accomplish something it’s worth getting the expert help you need.  Trying to build a house on your own, unless you are a contractor, is ridiculous.  Building a solid foundation filled with healthy, stable and long lasting habits requires a blueprint and someone to help you.  I have seen many over the last year or so try to accomplish their health and weight loss goals on their own.  I’m sorry to say, they have been unable to and remain the same a year later still frustrated and considering desperate measures to gain control of their eating.

#7  Step away from the Table. If your eating environment caused you to overeat change it.  Shake it up a bit and find a new place or ritual to help stop your associations with overeating or eating the wrong foods.  Whether it’s a place in your home or at work or your favorite restaurant – keep your eyes open for a reflex  behavior.   Remember you are attempting to change your behavior which means eliminating potential triggers that take you down the wrong path Remove the exterior stimulants that cause poor eating decision making.

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