Archive for Youthful

Remembering Mom and Our Elderly Loved Ones

I always say, “You get old when you stop going for it no matter what your age.” I have sometimes seen 25 year olds have less energy and drive than some 80 year olds. In fact, just recently I saw a popular video of an 87 year old woman who did a mean SALSA. Don’t you want that kind of energy, sassiness, and exuberance at that age? I sure do!

My Mom has turned 88. My mother is recuperating after taking a fall in her living room just a few days ago. Unfortunately, she fell on her good knee. My mother has always taken great pride in a clean and organized house. I guess it’s her German upbringing. Well, she was watching TV (probably watching her favorite American Idol from last season, David Archeletta) and noticed a flower petal lying on the floor (where it should not be, in her mind). She leaned over to pick it up and subsequently disconnected from her walker and fell. She had been bound and determined to get that petal and put it in its proper place. She fell and hurt herself considerably. Thank goodness, nothing is broken.

I love my mother dearly. She’s a delight. When I visit her in Vancouver, we spend hours reminiscing and laughing about funny things. Sometimes like two schoolgirls. It’s great to feel so connected to her and I make a point of visiting her often, and calling her almost every Sunday. How about you? How are you staying connected to your mother and your aging parents? Here are five ways you can help them live a healthier, more energetic, and vital life.

  1. Having a healthy, fresh, and light diet is always necessary. Even though your parents and aging loved ones may find it difficult to eat certain foods that require a lot of chewing or biting, there are many sources of protein that are easier for them to breakdown and enjoy. Foods like cheese, eggs, ground turkey, chicken, or beef for example. It’s always a good idea for them to eat their heaviest meal at noon. Actually, a good idea for almost everyone, really. This provides adequate time in the day to digest food before they head off to bed for their night’s beauty rest.
  2. Exercise is good for everyone and when one is older, do not overlook it. Whether your loved one is chair bound, arthritic, or facing other physical challenges, a little movement is vital. I’m proud to say my elderly mother still does her daily stretching every morning. I encourage her to learn a few new stretches or exercises every time I visit her—it’s a fun thing we do together.
  3. As your parents age, their systems often get sluggish and healthy elimination may become a problem for them. Their dietary choices may not be the only cause of this problem. Medications could also be a culprit. Having them take a supplement to help bowels move regularly is essential. An herbal formula called Triphala works very well for balancing the bowels, or simply have them take 500-1000 mgs of Magnesium at bedtime. You could suggest they try adding more fiber into their diet as well. Such as adding bran or a fiber supplement.
  4. Wonderful new research in the neuro-sciences is discovering the human brain actually expands as we age and not the reverse, as we were once led to believe. Just think what we could accomplish with that piece of new knowledge. A chance to truly change the way we see the elderly and the way we in fact will age as well—it’s just extraordinary.
  5. Finally, studies have been done on the longest lived population in the world in Okinawa, Japan. They attribute their healthy aging to their healthy diet, primarily from the sea, exercise like Tai Chi, good genes, and most important, their social connections with each other. Seems that staying connected is extremely vital to longevity. There are many elderly who live alone and could benefit from having more social connection. You could even try suggesting the new phenomenon of Internet Social Networking like Facebook and Twitter for those who are “computer-curious” and ready to go.

Again, “You get old when you stop going for it no matter what your age.” So keep going for it and stay ACTIVE—physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Heartfelt and Healthy Blessings,

(c) Monika Klein, B.S., C.N. is an award winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert. Monika is the “Compassionate and Practical Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach.” Her company, Coaching For Health, offers life transforming weight loss and wellness programs, classes and products throughout the world. To learn more about Monika’s services and programs, visit

Stay Young—Longer

Do you want to know the secret to Youth? Let me tell you the things to avoid, if you want to stay looking younger longer.

  1. Poor Diet
    What you eat affects your health more than anything else you do. When you eat a poor diet of fatty, processed, or fried foods and simple sugars—the aging process speeds up. Stay away from additives and trans-fats, which rob you of your health and deprive your body of essential nutrients. On the other hand, when you eat foods that are close to mother nature—as in fresh, preferably organic and vital—you will have all the vitality and strength you need.You also want to have many different colors in your diet. Now with summer in full bloom, so to speak, there’s no excuse. The gardens, farmer’s markets, and grocery stores are filled with rich, luscious fruits and vegetables. Those juicy cherries, those unbelievable tomatoes, fresh figs, sweet sugar snaps peas, crisp and tasty carrots—mmm…yummy! The skins of fruits and vegetables are loaded with powerful antioxidants, which help you look and feel young.Why risk your health and beauty with unhealthy food?
  2. The Power of Your Thoughts
    Your mind and your thoughts are powerful antidotes to aging. Negative thinking, depression, or anger can pull down your mind and body; whereas, happy and joyful thoughts can uplift your spirit and maybe your face. How you act, behave, or react to situations can ultimately determine your longevity. Isn’t it great to know you have the power to control your aging—a little scary I’m sure when you really think about it—to actually have a choice about how you react today and that choice affecting your future.The late Norman Cousins did some amazing research on how the mind can influence the body. He discovered the immune system could improve with 30 minutes of deep belly laughter every day.  Laughter also increases the release of “feel good” endorphins. Yes, joyful people live longer and healthier lives. I’m not surprised that “Laughing Yoga” is starting to get more recognition in this country. Personally, I love to watch a good comedy any chance I get.
  3. Lack of Exercise
    If you want to be healthy and live a long life, you need to be physically active. Inactivity is a huge culprit in becoming overweight and accelerating the aging process. It’s important to alternate aerobic exercise with weight resistance exercise. You will gain a youthful glow as your regular exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to all your cells. Keeping muscles and joints limber is also a big plus. Don’t forget to do a proper warm up and cool down to avoid injury as well.
  4. Stress
    Stress takes a tremendous toll on your body and your health in general. ‘When you are experiencing stress, your body is programmed to go into fight-or-flight mode causing additional wear and tear. You release adrenaline when in this state. Even if a lion is not chasing you—your body is reacting as if it is. The thing about being chased by a lion, well it’s a very short term event you either get away or not, and then it’s over. However, for us, it’s never over. We are constantly in this heightened state, unfortunately, putting added stress on every system in our body.Always remember to breathe deeply during the day to help manage your stress. I think of that 60’s song “Cry if you want to, Cry if you want to.” Replace “Cry” for “Sigh” and that’s my formula. Give yourself a break! You are human, not a machine. Try taking a 15-minute mediation break during your lunch. Just closing your eyes will release a lot of tension. If you cannot meditate, take a walk in the park, or sit on a bench in nature for 10 or 15 minutes. These actions alone will reduce any tension you may feel in your body.
  5. Lack of Sleep
    There’s no way around it: the average adult needs 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night to maintain health. Without sufficient “recovery time” each night, you will run your body and mind down and wear out your life force.So try to get to sleep at a regular time every night. Ideally, try to get to bed before 10:00 p.m. and up by 6:00 a.m. Based on ancient healing systems, it is said these are the best times for deeper, restful, rejuvenation and regeneration. Don’t worry if it’s not those exact times, just remember you need your 7-8 hours. Also, have your bedroom uncluttered, preferably without a TV, as both can be very stimulating to the mind instead of soothing and restful. If you would like, you can always have a cup of relaxing tea with valerian root or chamomile.

Sleep, eat, and exercise well until next time.

(c) Monika Klein, B.S., C.N. is an award winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert. Monika is the "Compassionate and Practical Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach." Her company, Coaching For Health, offers life transforming weight loss and wellness programs, classes and products throughout the world. To learn more about Monika’s services and programs, visit